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天气潮湿时衣服会发霉。Clothes mould in wet weather.

霉斑不见了,污渍消失了。The mould and scum melt away.

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车身模具路在何方?。Where is the Road of Body Mould?

欢迎来到小霞模具公司!Welcome To Xiao Xia Mould Factory !

钟表、钻咀、铣刀及五金模具等。Watches, drills and mills, mould etc.

我们能把这件衣服做得合你的身。We can mould the dress to your figure.

如何在黄岩选择模具厂?。How to select mould suppler in Huangyan?

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采用呋喃树脂砂型铸造。The casting is cast in furan sand mould.

这些巨大的压床模压出汽车车身。These huge presses mould the car bodies.

把粉团搓成小丸形状。Mould the dough into several small balls.

将面团球放进月饼模子。Press dough ball into the mooncake mould.

将薯仔混合物压成喜欢的形状。Mould the mixture into any shape you like.

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树藤和电线纠缠在一起。Vines and electrical wires mould into one.

模型的支子太不结实了。The stand of this mould is not solid at all.

模具需摆放在模具架或卡板上。Mould to put in the mold frame or card board.

瓶盖上有一层薄薄的霉菌。There is a film of mould over the bottle cap.

面团一分为二。一半擀开。Roll out dough and line a buttered flan mould.

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微生物课上,我们试着培养黑霉。We try to incubate black mould in biology class.

环模及压辊同步运转。Mould ring and press roll synchronized operation.

气动工具、模具抛光机。Prenmatic tools, electrical, spark mould polisher.