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这些颜色不宜混合。The colours don't mingle well.

与亲吻相比,书信更融于灵魂。More than kisses , letters mingle souls.

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那两条河汇而为一。The two rivers join and mingle their waters.

我和塞萨尔起身招呼客人们。Cesar and I got up to mingle with our guests.

要不然就只是和自己趣味相投的人混在一起。and you only mingle with people of your type.

来和丹佛的IE6悼念者们聚会下吧。Come mix & mingle with Denver’s top IE6 mourners.

让一切欢乐的歌调都融和在我最后的歌中。Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song.

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小火炖15分钟,让所有食料的味道充分混合。Simmer for 15 mins so all the flavours can mingle.

处女深呼吸一下吧,开始和其他单身朋友一起。Breathe deep and start to mingle with other singles.

如果我们混在人群里,就不会被注意到了。If we mingle with the crowd, we shall not be noticed.

在Mingle中直接观看构建历史与构建状态。View build history and build status directly in Mingle.

女主人的任务之一就是和客人周旋交际。One of the hostess's duties is to mingle with the guests.

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第二章漫瀚调艺人传承的文化交融性。The chapter two Manhandiao actor bear the culture mingle.

这条河在流入大海途中有三条小河汇入。Three streams mingle in this river on its way to the sea.

来宾们一边享受蛋糕、混合饮料和其他食物,一边相互交谈。Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats.

乐观和悲观可以在美国作品里奇妙地结合起来。Optimism and pessimism mingle queerly in American writing.

样子结群,鹰独飞,鸭子和鹰。Ducks flock. Eagles fly alone. Ducks and eagles never mingle.

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他过去常在地方公园里锻炼,并与其他跑步的人相交往。He used to train in a local park and mingle with other runners.

新鲜的核果,柑橘味混有芳草味的花香。Fresh stone fruit, citrus, and herbs mingle with floral accents.

我亲爱的先生,千万别让你的心智习惯于混淆美德与邪恶。My dear Sir, never accustom your mind to mingle virtue and vice.