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穿过上层建筑。Go through superstructure.

上层建筑用水冷却。Cool down superstructure with water.

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上层建筑保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in superstructure.

民主属于上层建筑。Democracy is part of the superstructure.

作为标准配置,上部结构材质是碳钢。The superstructure is carbon steel as standard.

法律被认为是上层建筑的一部分。Law is considered a part of this superstructure.

经济基础如何决定上层建筑?How does the economic base determine superstructure?

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宗教政策是上层建筑的重要组成部分。Religion policy is an important part of the superstructure.

上层建筑整体吊装是船舶建造中一项新工艺。Superstructure assembly of prefabrication is new technique of ship building.

桥面铺装是桥梁上部结构的组成部分,即桥面保护层。Deck pavement, as deck protection course, is one part of bridge superstructure.

上部结构的建筑高度为3英尺6英寸,有19英尺8英寸显著的上拱度。The superstructure has a depth of 3 ft. 6 in. with a marked camber of 19 ft. 8 in.

如果建筑物的基础是不正确地规定,上层建筑就会摔下来。If the foundations of a building are not correctly laid, the superstructure will fall down.

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大跨度拱桁式钢引桥是外海开敞式深水码头栈桥常用的上部结构型式之一。Large-span arch truss steel bridge is a common superstructure of trestle bridge on open sea.

战争毁掉的不仅仅是和平,还有它所属的整个社会上层建筑。War destroys not only peace, but also the whole social superstructure of which it is a part.

拣选是属于我们救恩顺序的上层结构,它的本身不属于救赎的施行。Election is the superstructure of our ordo salutis, but not itself the application of redemption.

结果表明,对基础的上部结构进行隔热保护可满足使用要求。The results show that the insulations with the superstructure can protect the concrete foundation.

高分辨像给出了无公度调制结构的直接证据。High-resolution TEM images along zone provided direct evidence of the incommensurate superstructure.

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缅方负责下部构造设计和上、下部结构施工。The design of the substructure and construction of the superstructure had been done by Myanmar side.

桥梁上部结构落梁是桥梁最严重的震害形式之一。The unseating of bridge superstructure is one of the most serious earthquake damage of girder bridges.

党政军在中国上层建筑中具有怎样的平行关系?What kind of parallel relations do the Party, Government and Army have in the superstructure of China?