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印加帝国在1533年迅速垮台。The Incan empire fell quickly 1533.

右上角的拱形标志是黑色的,但丰富的印加历史或许能为其增添色彩。They're not quite golden, but maybe the rich Incan history makes up for that.

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叫我如何想象古时候这里曾是印加人的圣地?How can I imagine that it was the Holy Land for Incan people in the ancient time?

让您的春节假期开始一次探秘印加文明之旅。Let your Spring Festival holiday to start a journey of exploration incan civilization.

1438年,雄心勃勃的Pachacuti登上王位,他可能是最伟大的印加皇帝。In 1438, Pachacuti, ambitious and likely the greatest of the Incan emperors, came to the throne.

但看起来这里的人为艺术已经和自然融为一体,这与印加文明中的二元概念互相辉映。It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality.

可能这个春节假期还不够你来发现印加文明的神秘之处的一个角落呢。Possibly this Spring Festival holiday enough you to find the incan civilization mysteries of corner?

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印加人还有一个颇负盛名的教育系统来宣扬印加文明的利益。The Incans also become had a prestigious educational system that extolled the benefits of Incan civilization.

今天我们走进与玛雅文明并称为“印第安三大古老文明”的印加文明。Today we entered with mayan civilization and called "Indian three ancient civilization" the incan civilization.

在印加最高统治者显赫的法庭旁一位母亲狡黠地为被俘获幼年王子们的生命做抗辩。Flanked by the splendor of an Incan monarch's court a mother of captured princelets pleads archly for their lives.

秘鲁图片集。重建的印加梯田和建筑物显示熟练的技术的石匠,其中古代人是著名的。Reconstructed Incan terraces and buildings show the skilled stonework for which the ancient people are celebrated.

秘鲁图片集。秘鲁人母亲和儿童体育的传统服装,像印加人身后的墙壁,模仿较早的美国人的时代。Peruvian mother and child sport traditional garments that, like the Incan wall behind them, echo an earlier American age.

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于1540年建在印加村庄的遗址上,它是秘鲁南部及玻利维亚北部的商业中心。Founded in1540 on the site of an Incan village, it is the commercial center of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. Population, 108, 023.

带着掠夺另一个富饶文明所燃起的贪婪,西班牙人俘获了印加皇帝并将其处死。Fueled by greed in having the opportunity to plunder another rich civilization, they conquered the Incan emperor and had him put to death.

印加帝国现已成为古老的历史,但它的传统却通过几个世纪以来一直保留的宗教仪式流传了下来。The Incan empire is now ancient history, but its legacy lives on through religious ceremonies that have been preserved through the centuries.

1531年,弗朗西斯科·皮萨罗推翻了印加帝国,把国王从宝座上赶下了台,为西班牙夺取了印加帝国的财宝。In 1531, Francisco Pizarro overthrew the Incan empire, removing the emperor from his throne and taking for Spain the Incan imperial treasures.

整个城市被设计成神圣的海鹰图案,这无疑是印加王朝最伟大的遗产,也是南美洲最繁忙的旅游景点。Designed in the shape of the sacred Condor bird it is without doubt the greatest legacy of the Incan dynasty and busiest tourist attraction in South America.

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西潘是莫希文化的政治和宗教枢纽,此处曾挖掘出一座一千七百年前、装满黄金的前印加国王陵墓。Discoveries at Sipan, an administrative and religious center of the Moche culture, have included a gold-filled tomb built 1,700 years ago for a pre- Incan king.

该书由“光点出版社”出版,向读者展示了一个全新的印加遗址风貌,并介绍了古城如何将恒久的魅力与大自然融为一体。The book, published by Lightpoint Press, offers a new take on the Incan ruins with lessons about the enduring strength and beauty of a city built in harmony with nature.

西班牙在一五二○年代打败印加帝国,侵略这块后来成为玻利维亚的土地,开采境内大批银矿。The Spanish invaded the area that later became Bolivia in the 1520s as part of their conquest of the Incan empire. Spain began mining large amounts of silver from the country.