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哪个车夫?What coachman?

车夫转回头向那些坐在里面的客人说The coachman turned to the inside travellers.

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车夫裹上他的斗篷。The coachman wrapped himself up in his cloak.

那车夫说他是来找市长先生的。The coachman says that he has come for Monsieur le Maire.

于是车夫决计一心吹口哨,要不就骂他的牲口。The coachman took to whistling and swearing at his horses.

他一坐上马车,总要叫马车夫支起车篷。He sat on the carriage, to call the coachman to put up the hood.

他们又坐上马车,车夫坐到自己的位子上。They entered the carriage once more, and the coachman mounted his box.

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沙威把车夫递给他的小本子推回去,并说Javert thrust aside the book which the coachman held out to him, and said

旁边,有个车夫,膝盖上铺着块布,布上是他的晚餐。Apart from them, with his supper in a cloth on his knees, sat the coachman.

通常一个车夫为了得到一点小费,什么事都干得出来,甚至会去捏造。A coachman who wants a gratuity is capable of anything, even of imagination.

我们还在吃着,车夫走上来说,‘来点莳萝泡菜吧。’And while we were eating the coachman came up. 'Have a dill pickle, ' he said.

阿尔帕特奇回到屋里,叫了车夫,吩咐他赶车上路。Alpatitch went back to the house, and calling the coachman told him to set off.

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就像你拥有了一辆私人马车,就连车夫都戴着大礼帽。It was like owning your private carriage and having a coachman who wore a silk hat.

随行的有医生,公爵的随从和马夫及两名勤务兵。The doctor, the prince's valet, and coachman , and two orderlies were in charge of them.

杰拉尔德把妻子扶进马车,叮嘱车夫小心驾驶。Gerald helped his wife into the carriage and gave orders to the coachman to drive carefully.

差不多凌晨两三点钟,我回到了家,马车夫在小道上等着我。I was home again by two or three in the morning and found the coachman waiting in the little lane.

看来彼得心里觉得马车夫光表示赞同还是不够的,他在马车夫的坐位上向老爷转过身来。But apparently the coachman 's sympathy was not enough for Pyotr. He turned round on the box to his master.

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他命令他的一位车夫乘上那台滑翔机,并让一位农夫沿着下山路拉着它,直到所产生的速度能够飞起来。Then he ordered his coachman into it and had farmworkers pull it down a slope until it gained enough speed to fly.

在半路上,尼古拉叫马车夫把马勒住一会儿,他跑到娜塔莎的雪橇前面呆上分把钟,站在跨杠上。Half-way home, Nikolay let the coachman hold the horses, ran for a moment to Natasha's sledge, and stood on the edge of it.

走出便门以后,车夫想和他攀谈,但是旅客老只回答一两个字。When they had passed the barrier, the coachman tried to enter into conversation, but the traveller only replied in monosyllables.