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一些家庭的共和党根源来自泰迪。罗斯福的进步改革主义。Some families had Republican roots in Teddy Roosevelt's progressivism.

从政治上说,进步可以被描述为对社会开放。Politically speaking, progressivism can be described as being socially liberal.

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支持教育技术的另一个观点是进步主义理论。The other idea supporting instructional technology is the theory of progressivism.

美国历来主张进步提高劳动权利和社会正义。US progressivism historically advocates the advancement of labor rights and social justice.

从进步主义到存在主义,现代教育哲学是以相对主义为主流的。From progressivism to existentialism, relativism dominates the progress of modern education philosophy.

进步是一个术语,指的是广泛的国际学校的社会和政治哲学。Progressivism is a term that refers to a broad school of international social and political philosophies.

这样,在一九三九年不稳定的头几个月,进步运动的前进步伐停止了。Thus it came about that the forward motion of progressivism came to a halt in the early uncertain months of 1939.

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在这样一种条件下,马尔库塞提出了自己的拯救理论——“乌托邦”革命论。High-level culture became one-dimensional together with reality. Marcuse raised his salvation theory-"Utopia" progressivism.

首先,尽管现在的信徒不知道或者否认马克思主义对进步主义的影响,但它们之间传承的历史链条是清晰的,其间的信使便是那些德国人的思想。For one thing, though Marxist influence on Progressivism is unknown or denied by modern believers, the historical chain of descent is clear.

另一方面是因为具有科学主义倾向的科学派人士大都是进步主义进化观的赞成者。The other important reason was that the members of scientific party who were inclined to scientism were for the evolution viewpoint of progressivism.

与其他任何一项运动相比,NBA球员在掌握球权时,既可以奉献眩目花哨的个人表演,也可以用循序渐进、因循守旧的基础完成一次战术组织。More than any other sport, the NBA allows for both individual flash-and-dazzle theatrics and solid fundamentals- progressivism and conservatism, all in a single possession.

自近代以来占据主导地位、具有决定论、绝对主义和进步主义等特征的现代性时间意识在当代就遭到了严重的质疑与挑战。The modernists' sense of time, characterized by determinism, absolutism and progressivism , and in the highest flight since modem time, has been seriously queried and challenged.

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因此,清理出包裹在现代启蒙进步主义之下的审美现代性概念,并把握其内在矛盾,可以为中国现代性的理论积累提供重要的价值参照。Therefore it is of considerable reference value to the theoretical accumulation of Chinese modernity to clarify the concept of aesthetic modernity hidden in modern progressivism.

而资源保育运动和农村生活运动是进步主义这一更为宽泛的运动的一部分,进步运动矛头直接指向政府和大商业重整。In turn, Conservationism and the Country Life movement were part of the wider movement known as Progressivism that was directed primarily at reforming government and big business.

当政治激进主义席卷土地,社会民主运动受到小资本家希望和野心的孕育,这场战役无疑具有非常浓厚的社会背景。This was a potent theme in a day when the politics of Progressivism was sweeping the land and the movement for social democracy was still nourished by the hopes and ambitions of the small businessman.