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三个筛子?Three sieves?

马库斯,三条Marcus? Three.

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三英寻!three fathoms.

他拿了三块。He takes three.

仅三天。Only three dys.

三天以前,大前天。Three days ago.

有时候还会抛起三次。Sometimes three.

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三傻子呗!Three fools Uta!

面阔三间。Face width three.

我有三份工作。I have three jobs.

嗣位三十二年。Siwei three years.

我摆好了三套餐具。I set three places.

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最好不超过三种。No more than three.

不三不四。Not three not four.

三好学生怎么翻?Three good student?

第三,锚定效应Three is anchoring.

三只橡皮小黄鸭!Three yellow ducks!

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哪三个筛子?Which three sieves?

他叫三个黑桃。He bid three spades.

有三百年吗?Three hundred years?