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现在,中年危机还是来了。Now they face midlife crises.

统治这个世界的是想象力!Adversity is the midlife of genious.

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但这些挑战都是中年人所熟知的。But these challenges aren't new to midlife.

中年抑郁症与绝经期症状负载。Depressive symptoms and menopausal burden in the midlife.

那是中年离婚的一个普遍原因,欧布斯说。That's a common reason for midlife divorces, Orbuch said.

丹尼斯对妻子的怀疑带点中年危机的味道。Dennis's suspicions of his wife smacked of midlife crisis.

现年42岁的加夫帮助其他人度过中年时期的转变。Now 42, Mr. Jaffe helps others through midlife transitions.

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对大多数人来说,中年是自主独立的时期。For most people, midlife is a time of independence and mastery.

如果中年危机是不可避免的,简化了的Z4悲痛。If the midlife crisis is inevitable, the Z4 eases the grieving.

抑郁症可能难以根除,但中年危机往往只发作一次。Depression can be chronic but midlife crises are often one-offs.

但是中年危机理论本身是否过时了或令人厌倦了呢?But has the concept of the midlife crisis itself grown old and tired?

但是,就像大多数中年危机一样,它真正需要的是一次奇迹般的东山再起。But as with most midlife crises, what it really wants is its mojo back.

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和中年危机不同,1/4生命危机并没有得到广泛认可。Unlike the midlife crisis, the quarterlife crisis is not widely recognised.

1922年,史泰钦43岁的时候,他经历了一次我们现在所称的中年危机。By 1922, when Steichen was 43, he was undergoing what we now call a midlife crisis.

他们为克服中年危机,选择用昂贵的公路自行车来代替快捷的汽车。Expensive road bikes are replacing fast cars for men overcoming the midlife crisis.

例如,我们发现,中年肥胖增加了患阿尔茨海默氏症的风险。For example, we find that obesity at midlife puts people at risk for Alzheimer's disease.

对多数人来说,中年赚钱的顶峰时期给人一种能力和有技术的感觉。For many people, the peak earning years of midlife offer a sense of competence and mastery.

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另外相当数量的人直到中年后并且从事这方面的工作,才知道自己具有识谎的能力。A similar number didn’t notice their ability until midlife and then began working on it, she said.

中年或者老年早期时患上糖尿病会加大得阿兹海默症或者痴呆的风险。Diabetes in midlife or early old age is also a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and for dementia.

Gary完全进入了中年危机-他辞掉了工作,买了一艘船。And Gary was the one who had the full-blown midlife crisis-he quit his job, left me, and bought a boat.