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但游戏刚开始他的对讲机就响了。The game had just kicked off when his intercom buzzed.

因为这里有一个门禁,这样我可以让你进去。There's a little intercom arrangement so I can let you in.

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对讲机能使你能更好地与夥伴们沟通…交流…An intercom can be helpful for communicating with spotters.

南京奇科科技有限公司专业生产楼宇对讲产品!Specializing in the production of building intercom Products!

这种对讲机有个大声呼唤按钮,按压时会发出嘀嘀尖叫声。The intercom had a loud call button that made a shrill beep when pressed.

内置的对讲系统能让无绳电话听筒之间或与基站之间进行联络。A built-in intercom system lets handsets communicate with the other or the base station.

现在开始进行一次降落练习,指导员通过对讲机告诉他们。It's time to run through another descent exercise, an instructor tells them over an intercom.

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麦丽金太太拿起了电话,按了下对讲按钮,向全校进行广播。Mrs. McKinley picked up her phone, pressed the intercom button and was heard over the school.

比如内部通话装置的软件为顾客洞察做到了这个程度,让通信科操纵。Software such as Intercom makes this degree of customer insight and communication far more manageable.

他们等了10分钟后,才听到一个沙哑的声音通过楼内对讲系统告诉他们大楼遭到撞击。They waited for 10 minutes until a crackly voice told them over the intercom that the tower had been hit.

泥浆工周期性地测量泥浆密度,并及时把结果通过内部通讯联络系统报告给井队其它相关人员。The derrickman periodically measures mud density and communicates the results to the rig team via an intercom.

电话机上的自动拨号按钮提供用于外部号码、内部通信号码或功能代码的一次拨号。An Autodial button on a phone provides one-touch dialing of outside numbers, intercom numbers, or feature codes.

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采用线程池技术的并发服务器,支持一个服务器与多个客户对讲功能。Using the thread pool concurrency server technology, to support a server and multiple clients intercom function.

由于讨论话题的敏感性,被试被告知讨论将通过对讲机进行。Because of the sensitive nature of the discussion they were told the discussion would take place over an intercom.

控制室内的技师看完我狼狈的表现后不禁大笑,笑声从对讲机传到驾驶座。The disembodied mirth on the intercom is the control-room technicians having a chuckle over my brief discomfiture.

当我们都在家的时候,为什么不使用手机里的小区消息,就像个家庭对讲系统那样?While we're at it, why not use unlimited texts courtesy of our phone contracts as a kind of house intercom system?

但是又犹豫不决,最后她按下了内部通讯按钮,听到电话中传来一个声音,“欢迎拨打笑料热线!She hesitates, presses the intercom button and hears the call. A voice on the line announces, “Welcome to Laugh Line!

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内部通话装置是第一波旨在使网站应用和网站所有者了解他们客户的工具。Intercom is the first of a new wave of tools aimed at enabling Web app and website owners to get to know their customers.

着陆场对空指挥员王厚康一手掐着秒表、一手紧握对讲机发出命令。Landing field ground-to-air director Wang Houkang pinches the stopwatch, to grip tightly the intercom to issue the order.

对讲机传来刺耳的声音,此时门被打开,眼前出现一条黑漆漆的楼梯。"Come in, come in! " the raspy voice called through the intercom as the door opened. A dark staircase loomed in front of them.