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大雨淹没了低地。Heavey rain flooded the lowlands.

大雨淹没了低凹地。Heavy rainfalls flooded the lowlands.

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写出了“忧伤眼神的低地女人”给你。Writin' "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands" for you.

第二个迹象是低洼地区排水更加缓慢。The second sign is that lowlands drain more slowly.

热带低地的物种也很脆弱。Species in the tropical lowlands are vulnerable too.

低洼地和湿地提供鲜嫩而且多汁的植物。Lowlands and wetlands provide tender and juicy vegetation.

另一处在伦敦南郊的林木苍翠的低洼地。The other is in the lowlands of a leafy south London suburb.

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烟雾笼罩的低地紧靠着喜马拉雅的南缘。Smoke-shrouded lowlands hug the southern margin of the Himalaya.

烟雾笼罩的低地紧靠着喜马拉雅的南缘。Smoke-shrouded lowlands hug the southern margin of the Himalayas.

它们是苏格兰低地纯麦威士忌。Glenkinchie and Rosebank are Lowlands single malt Scotch whiskies.

我们留恋在地上,因为我们怕攀山越岭。We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.

大型城市或工业增长逼仄的地方小型低地。Large-scale urban or industrial growth is cramped by the small, local lowlands.

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同样的,生活在山地的物种也会觉得酷热的低地难以忍受。Similarly, most mountain-dwelling species find the sweltering lowlands unbearable.

粤西北部丘陵地区药用植物调查。Investigation on the medicinal plants in lowlands of northwestern Guangdong Province.

大雨和低洼地的积水造成了冬天播种的小麦遭受损失。Heavy rain and flooding in the low lands lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter.

最后,英语属于低地的西日尔曼人的区域里的方言。Finally, it means English belongs with the dialects of the lowlands in the West Germanic area.

几百万只幼小的虾虎鱼正溯溪而上,但它们会在低地先遭受层层的攻击。Millions of young goby fish head upstream, but they must first run the gauntlet of the lowlands.

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斯洛伐克的低地地形主要沿着多瑙河分布和在东南部。Lowlands are found in the southwestern along the Danube river and southeastern parts of Slovakia.

从南部到北部、从低地到山地,意大利的气候随季节而变化。Italy's weather changes with each season, from North to South as well as from lowlands to mountain tops.

其西部沿海为低地,东部是波状平原,中部和东南部为高原。Its west coast for the lowlands , the eastern part of the wavy plains, central and south-east to the plateau.