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你可以用锡箔纸裹住它。You can wrap it up in tinfoil.

把全身都用锡纸包裹起来。Pack up the whole body with tinfoil.

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“您把锡箔裹在哪里?”一个男士问。"Where do you put the tinfoil?" a man asks.

烧烤的炉子在努力工作。用锡箔包好的玉米被埋入草灰里。BBQ stove is hard The tinfoil wrapped corns are up by ash.

撕锡箔纸烟盒内整齐的排列着20根香烟。Tear the tinfoil paper cigarette box lined with 20 cigarettes.

烧烤的炉子在努力工作。用锡箔包好的玉米被埋入草灰里。BBQ stove is working hard. The tinfoil wrapped corns are covered up by ash.

型口粮的罐头和香烟盒包装上皱巴巴的锡箔纸被挂在了松树上当成饰物。C-ration cans and crinkled tinfoil from cigarette packages made do for ornaments.

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喔,是的,是顶锡箔帽子炸了波隆那火车站,该死的,现实点吧。Oh yeah, it was a Tinfoil hat that blew up Train station Bolona , get freaking real, ok!

她端上烤土豆和锡纸包着的马哈鱼排,又给她的父亲倒了杯酒。She served the baked potatoes and the salmon steaks in their tinfoil. She refilled her father’s glass.

几乎无法忍受此时,它像扔弃牙齿的锡纸炉篦对抗他的神经,而且他战栗。Nearly unbearable at this point, it grated against his nerves like tinfoil scraping teeth, and he shuddered.

当然,我们可以套上光环认为,中国正在暗地里计划在月球上建设核基地。哈。哈。Ofcourse we can put on tinfoil hats and think that China intends to build nukes on the moon. Secretly. Ha. Ha.

我把拳头伸出去,把五六只用发亮的锡箔包得很好的樱桃核放在魏格登先生的手里。I reached out my fist, and into Mr. Wigden's open hand I dumped a half-dozen Cherry seeds carefully wrapped in shiny tinfoil.

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确定了仪器工作参数,探讨了锡箔、标准样品对测定结果的影响。The working parameters of the instrument are determined and the influence of tinfoil and standard sample on the determination is discussed.

以锡纸与陶瓷材料为例,进行了双向反射分布函数的绝对测量实验,两种材料表现了很强的镜反射特性。Absolute measurements of BRDF on tinfoil and ceramic tile are performed and the test materials present apparent specular reflection characteristics.

在无风或弱风的晴天可以利用其表面的“锡箔”区域进行太阳能发电。A tinfoil region on the surface of the aero-generator can be used for solar electrical energy generation in a windless sunny day or a weak-wind sunny day.

你们看一下,我能证明这下面有空间,只要在下面插入,口香糖包装上的一块铝箔。But if you'll come and look over my shoulder I think I can show you that there is a space by slipping underneath the disc this piece of tinfoil I took off a chewing gum wrapper.

镀工艺赋予其乌黑色金属质感,一个超现实的洞穴得以呈现。According to brand characteristics – "across the limit", we used tinfoil. Use its irregular and not sure with process of plating. Different color and texture made a surreal cave.

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在卫生间防水石膏板吊顶上层加隔蒸气层和锡箔纸,避免冷凝水破坏石膏板吊顶。In toilet waterproof plasterboard as string of 1 top superstratum is added lie between steam layer and tinfoil paper paper, avoid condenser water to destroy plasterboard condole top.

我把铝箔放到,底座和桌面间,说明中间,有间隙,底座压在一层很薄的气体上。Now, we'll slip the tinfoil between the disc and the plate glass top of the table showing that there is indeed a space, a thin film of gas between the disc and the glass upon which it's resting.

在不同的时间段,测定存放于普通球胆及特制的锡箔袋内的一氧化碳标准气的浓度,来探讨其浓度值与贮存时间的关系。In order to investigate the variation of the concentration of carbon monoxide with time, we analysed the concentration of carbon monoxide in tinfoil gas collecting bag and ordinary gas collecting bag.