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我们是代表山打根和巴都沙必人民以表达他们的意愿。We are representing the hope of the people in Batu Sapi and in Sandakan.

他们不必太担心谁将会在山打根参选了。They don't have to worry too much about who will be contesting in Sandakan.

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山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea.

总之,山打根欢迎邱博士,如果行动党希望他在山打根参选。Anyway, Hiew will be welcome in Sandakan if the party really wants him to contest in Sandakan.

工作与结婚后辗转住过汶莱、美里、斗湖、山打根及诗巫各乡城。After she went to work and got married, she lived in places like Brunei, Miri, Sandakan and Sibu.

这些人企图制造事端,并且可能他们担心邱博士要在山打根角逐的事。These people are trying to create trouble, and may be they worried about Dr. Hiew contesting in Sandakan.

沙电力公司运来更多的二手移动发电机已抵达亚庇准备运往山打根和斗湖区。There is more 2nd hand mobile gen-sets had arrived in Kota Kinabalu ready for delivery to Sandakan and Tawau.

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许多‘重量级’的民联领袖将会前往山打根,以确保民联能够在这场补选中获得胜利。Many 'heavy weight' PR leaders are expected to come to station in Sandakan to ensure a victory for the Pakatan Rakyat in the by-election.

当杨氏决定宣布沙进步党参选山打根巴都沙必国会议席的补选后,他的言论似乎自相矛盾。Datuk Yong appeared to contradict himself when his party has decided to contest in a by-election for the Parliamentary seat of Batu Sapi, Sandakan.

山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。该城在1947年前一直作为英属北婆罗洲的首府。人口73144。A city of malaysia in northern borneo on sandakan harbor an inlet of the sulu sea. it was the capital of british north borneo until1947. Population 73144.

山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。该城在1947年前一直作为英属北婆罗洲的首府。人口73,144。A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. It was the capital of British North Borneo until1947. Population, 73, 144.

邱博士说,他将会在补选竞选期间向民众细诉国阵是如何对待山打根市民,是时候要重视山打根人面对的问题,同时也让大家看到国阵的真面目。Dr. Hiew said he need not elaborate these issues here, and he shall bring it all out during the by-election campaign period. Sandakan people's problem shall be prevailed.

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跟据了解,这项消息来自网上论坛说有关邱博士可能跨越到山打根参选,同时也引用许多不真实的说法。It is believed that the news came from a website quoting that Hiew might be crossing over to Sandakan to contest, and it had quoted along with a lot of untrue make-up stories.

沙巴民主行动党三脚石支部主席兼山打根青年团负责人邱文正今天说,这纯粹是有自以为聪明的人在作出胡乱的猜测。Sabah DAP Batu Sapi Branch chairman cum Sandakan DAP Youth Chief, today said that this is purely some smart guys from the "other side" making a wild speculation and guessing work.