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这仍然是一个美好的世界。The goodliness world is still there.

尽情演绎人间的一切美好事物。Deduct all of the goodliness things as much as one likes.

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今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起…Today is the best goodliness to me in the life, for I stay with you.

于是我开始笑着承认曾经一起时候的美好。Then I began to admit the goodliness when we were together with a smile.

这些个活动需要钱,需要美貌,需要迎合大众的口味。太难了!These activities need money, goodliness , and the habit of catering for people.

哲学追求永恒与美好,政治实践则总有欠缺。Philosophy seeks eternity and goodliness , but political practice always has deficiency.

我愿意是水,是空气,以足够的空间,让你释放你全部的美丽。I wish I'm the water , I'm the air, give you the enough space, release all your goodliness.

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当爱情接近世俗,接近毁灭的时候,为了残存的一丝美好,宁愿放弃!When loving close to pollution close to destroy, we have to give up for remained goodliness.

因为羊天性温顺,中国人常把羊看作美好、吉祥的象征。Because of the mild nature of sheep, Chinese people consider it a symbol of goodliness and luck.

在我解开丝带时,父母和我共度的那些美好时光浮现在我脑海。When I untied the riband, parents with me live through those goodliness time had rayed in my brain.

数学让我有了一个理性思维,语文让我可以更加感性的看待生活,体会生活的美好。Maths makes us logical, while Chinese helps us to face life sensibly and to learn the goodliness of life.

它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量信息。How long it can receive from the world the information of goodliness , wish, joy, encouragement and strength.

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它或是寄托了人们对美好的向往,或是营造一种庄严尊贵的气氛。It has been regarded as a symbol for people's aspiration for goodliness or creates a solemn and exalted atmosphere.

对于很多事情都是,宁愿让它保持想象中的美好。We even dare not to disclose the truth and prefer to keep the goodliness of things in imagination, in many situation.

移位思考,变换角度看问题,使他看到生活中美好的一面。His transposition considerations and the changing the point of view make Sushi catch sight of the goodliness of the life.

在聪明和美貌之间,女人注意前者,男人则往往看重后者。Between the brightness and goodliness. Moman pays attention to the former. the other hand man often regards as the latter.

我向往一切美好的东西,看到人世间的美好事物时,总是会很满足的笑,那是发自内心的。I'm yearning for all the goodliness . While seeing the good things in this world, I will smile from the bottom of my heart.

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在车上她甜蜜地靠在我肩上时,我忽地意识到,这不就是我一直想要的美好和快乐么!Thus, we were on a bus. I suddenly wake up when she was sweetly leaning on my shoulder, wasn't it the goodliness and happiness?

玩耍状态是人最具生命力和创造力的状态,也是人本真和美好的存在状态。The mood of play is the most creative and vital status for human beings, and is also the existence of human natural truth and goodliness.

教师职业可以让我近距离的与那么多纯洁的心灵接触,他们让我看见未来看见美好。Zhu Lifang graduated from college. Being a teacher makes me get close to so many pure hearts, they make me see the future and goodliness.