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现代宽体喷气式客机是很大的。The modern wide-bodied jetliner is very large.

喷气客机在接近跑道时改为平飞。The jetliner leveled off in its approach to the runway.

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客机此前飞越了暴风雨和强烈气流。The jetliner had been flying through heavy storms and turbulence.

印尼一架喷射式客机失火,至少有21人遇难。At least21 people are dead after a fiery jetliner crash in Indonesia.

波音是可能的没有一个美国顾客运行它的最近的喷射客机。Boeing is likely to launch its latest jetliner without a U. S. customer.

当飞机冲撞进大厦时,两人都还在78层等待电梯,因而侥幸逃过一劫。Both were on the 78th floor waiting for elevators when the jetliner tore through the building.

经过整整五天的搜索,印度尼西亚的搜救人员始终没有找到失踪的喷射客机的任何痕迹。After 5 full days of searching, crews in Indonesia still cannot find any sign of a missing jetliner.

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布宜诺斯艾利斯站后,火炬登上了一架中国客机飞往坦桑尼亚。Following the Buenos Aires relay, the torch will be put aboard a Chinese jetliner and flown to Tanzania.

该客机经历了约39,000个循环加压一般做起飞和降落。The jetliner had gone through about 39,000 cycles of pressurizing, generally done for takeoffs and landings.

波音公司将在近几个月决定是否对其737单通道喷气飞机生产线进行翻新。Boeing will decide in the next few months whether to embark on a revamp of its 737 single-aisle jetliner line.

马航失联航班中国乘客家属委员会正就对该航空公司提起集体诉讼一事…Airlines jetliner is in touch with the Ribbeck Law firm in Chicago about filing a group lawsuit against the airline.

上星期,美国航空和奎尔通讯的行政人员在西德克撒斯州上空在一架飞机里用他们的手提电话进行通讯。Last week, American and Qualcomm officials circled over West Texas in a jetliner making calls from their cell phones.

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当超音速飞机在这周的航空展上出现时,他们的飞行速度比一般的喷气式飞机快25%。As for the supersonic planes introduced at this week's air show—they fly more than 25 percent faster than the average jetliner.

看起来像有人从大型喷气机上拧下一根机翼,翻转过来,套在中船体的栓钩之上。It looks as if someone wrenched a wing off a large jetliner and perched it, tip up, atop a trailer hitch on the boat’s middle hull.

返还地面时,这种引擎还能“变回来”,用传统的喷气动力让飞机在普通跑道上降落。On its return journey the aircraft could then transition back to jet power and land like a traditional jetliner on a conventional runway.

减产也会对供应商造成冲击,供应商在设计、制造以及为喷气飞机开发融资方面扮演着越来越重要的角色。Suppliers, who play an increasingly critical role in designing, building and financing jetliner development, also suffer in production cuts.

该喷气式客机可能在飞过热带辐合带上空时遭遇雷雨天气。The jetliner would have had to pass through a notorious storm patch shifting around the equator known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

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1954年,著名的波音707建立了四发动机喷气式客机的基本构造,并且成为了经典机型的说明。In 1954 the celebrated Boeing 707 established a basic configuration for the four-engined jetliner and serves to illustrate the classic shape.

飞机的凹槽和尖角是最容易产生应力集中和裂纹的位置,早期的彗星飞机的窗户是方形的,调查发现正是这种方形窗口导致了彗星飞机的解体,因此在此之后,所有客机的窗户都采用圆角过度的方式。The square windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration. Airliners have had windows with rounded corners ever since.

当地时间15日下午,一架美国航空公司客机在起飞过程中,因遭飞鸟撞击而动力全失,最后迫降在冰冷的纽约哈德逊河上。US Airways pilot guided his jetliner into the frigid Hudson River in New York after a flock of birds knocked out both its engines just after takeoff Thursday afternoon.