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除非你居心不良,否则那里的真相会让你大开眼界。Unless you have ulterior motives, the facts will open your eyes.

有关报道毫无根据,是别有用心的。Relevant report is totally groundless and out of ulterior motives.

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当我们在大自然世界中环顾四周时,心里往往怀有一个动机。When we look around us at the natural world, there is often an ulterior motive.

世界上没有比广告更居心叵测的。There's nothing in the world which has more ulterior motives than advertisements.

如果你积极行善,有人会指责你别有用心、谋取私利。但是不管怎样,还是要积极行善。If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.

高校开设“淑女班”醉翁之意何在?Where does the Ulterior Motives of “Lady Class” Offered by Colleges and Universities lie?

中国外交部发言人姜瑜上个星期表示,这些报导“毫无根据,是出于不可告人的目的”。The Chinese spokeswoman called the reports "totally groundless, and out of ulterior motives."

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秀色可餐,优雅可饮,醉翁之意,妙不可言。Beautiful scenery but meal, elegance but drink, have ulterior motives, too wonderful for words.

这项研究是由美国国家卫生研究院来进行的,所以并不会像有些调查一样存在着某些不可告人的动机。This study was done by the National Institutes of Health, not by anybody with any ulterior motive.

所谓中国政府支持“黑客”攻击的说法纯属无中生有,是别有用心的。The allegation that the Chinese Government supports hacking is a sheer fabrication with an ulterior motive.

姜蓉现身,得知淑梅与开朗有不可告人的过去后大感愤怒,并怪责淑梅。Grated ginger, learned that shu mei and cheerful have ulterior after the big feeling angry, and blame shu mei.

人们指责他们的理论,怀疑他们的目的,担心他们别有用心,并谴责他们的意识。Their theories are incriminated, their aim suspected, their ulterior motive is feared, their conscience denounced.

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所以如果我告诉你,这对耳环和那件毛衣是绝搭的时候,我可能是因为别的动机。So when I tell you about a pair of earrings that would go perfectly with that sweater, I might have an ulterior motive.

外交部发言人刘建超说,试图把苏丹与奥运会联系起来的背后是另有所图。Foreign Ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, said there were "ulterior motives" behind efforts to link Sudan with the Games.

一名外交部发言人刘建超称把苏丹问题和奥运联系起来是“别有用心”的。A Foreign Ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, said there were "ulterior motives" behind efforts to link Sudan with the Games.

琼斯先生说,他喜欢“颈部和脸上的皱纹”,他对这些关系并没有怀着隐秘不明的动机。Mr Jones said he is attracted to "neck lines and wrinkles" and thathe does not have ulterior motives for the relationships.

他们喧嚣地冲出去,雄赳赳地参加一分钟的赛跑,最终目的地乃是登尔和霍利斯这两条街交叉处的伯克。They are out tumultuously , off for a minutes race , all bravely legging it , burkes of denzille and holls their ulterior goal.

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或许拒绝会来得更为安全——出于认为他们一定是别有用心的理由,但你也有可能为此错过一个非常了不起的新伙伴。Refusing on the basis that they must have some evil ulterior motive might be safer, but you might miss out on a great new friend.

他的慷慨奉献被怀疑是隐秘不明的动机,但是事实上他是出自内心的。He was suspected of having ulterior motives for making his generous offer, but in fact his offer was from the bottom of his heart.

昨天的“银根紧缩”忽悠,是出自别有用心的资本势力,目的是为了让持有低价筹码的散户缴械投降。Capital forces with ulterior motives advocated monetary tightening in order for the retailers who hold low-cost chips to surrender.