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我喜欢他。杰夫.班纳特?I like him.Jeff Bennett.

亨德森咱们不防到贝特大街去。HENDERSON We could go over to Bennett Avenue.

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我认为贝内特先生整个赛季都很低调。Bennett was that low-profile during the season.

有,马尔泰卢斯班尼特,一足球运动员。One of our football players, Martellus Bennett.

在芝加哥,怀亚特正在审问捆绑着的班尼特。Back in Chicago, Wyatt interrogates a tied up Bennett.

迈可来到了芝加哥,找寻莎拉的世伯班尼特。Michael goes to Chicago to seek out Sara'sfamily friend Bennett.

迈克尔来到了芝加哥,找寻莎拉的世伯班尼特。Michael goes to Chicago to seek out Sara's family friend Bennett.

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布尔人刚刚毁了一辆英国军用火车。The Boers had just wrecked a British military trainArnold Bennett.

“我们的成功表明,这种技术是可行的,”贝内特说。“Our success shows that this technique is possible,” Bennett says.

贝内特先生很有经验,并且在一个赛季中保持低调。Mr. Bennett has enough experience and has had a very low-key season.

他向一个女招侍讲述了她与班尼特的世交关系。She confesses to a female bartender about her friendship with Bruce Bennett.

直到今年之前,在一个可信赖的共和党州里,本内特几乎没遇到任何挑战。Until this year, in a reliably Republicanstate, Bennett faced few challenges.

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今天,我们听新的音乐歌手托尼本内特和他的一些朋友。Today we listen to new music from singer Tony Bennett and some of his friends.

班尼特向怀亚特供认出莎拉目前在洛城,怀亚特杀死了他。Wyatt gets Bennett to confess that Sara is in Los Angeles. Wyatt then kills him.

本内特出生于加拿大安大略,甚至他自己都承认他和其他人一样惊讶。Even Bennett born in Ontario, Canada admitted he was as surprised as anyone else.

拿纽约市来讲,原弗洛伊德·本内特场海军基地一直处于闲置状态。In New York City, for example, the former Floyd Bennett Field naval base lies fallow.

随后,本内特似乎又在YouTube上看了一段有关狗的视频。Later, Mr Bennett was also filmed watching what appeared to be YouTube footage of a dog.

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班内特在法庭上也承认,他一小时后又回到陈旺的店里,是想再偷东西。Bennett admitted in court that he then came back an hour Wang Chen's shop, is like stealing.

他知道班尼特保释出了迈克兄弟,并且他们并不在监狱里。He knows that Bennett bailed out Michael and Lincoln and that the brothers are not in prison.

贝内特对英格兰中部斯泰福郡的斯托克市五镇有着剪不断、理还乱的情思。Arnold Bennett has very strong and complicated homesickness to his native place-the Five Towns.