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詹姆斯钢特”。James Gunter'.

詹姆斯应道。James replied.

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我相信吉姆斯吗?Do I trust James?

詹姆斯迎着我们跑过来。James ran up to us.

詹姆斯•潘特报道。James Painter reports.

詹姆斯•麦卡德尔也表示赞同。James McCardell agrees.

詹姆斯也成熟了。James has also matured.

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辛迪抵章飞妇是詹姆士。Cindy's husband is James.

詹姆斯对此深有同感。James feels the same way.

请相信我,詹姆斯。Please believe me, James.

我们要让詹姆斯做国王!We want James to be King!

而且我确实很喜欢他,詹姆斯。And I did like him, James.

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不要低估詹姆斯。Don't underestimate James.

我觉得詹姆斯打得好极了。I think James played well.

詹姆斯.卡维尔担起了这个重任。James Carville took it on.

詹姆士发明了自行车。James Starley invented it.

詹姆斯控制不住感情哭了。James broke down and wept.

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詹姆斯很喜欢这些光环。James likes the ring of it.

詹姆士喜欢上好的马丁尼。James loves a good martini.

我的名字是詹姆士·金福特。My name is James Kingsford.