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他不经意地进出女厕所。He unwittingly entered the ladies'toilet.

他有信口开河的毛病,无意中得罪了不少人。He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people.

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一个留着八字胡的男人无意间在喷泉里救了一个鸟身女妖。A moustached man unwittingly saves a harpy from being drowned in a fountain.

可是没有人会面对面地呼出在梦中误服的媚药。But no one can breathe out face to face the potion unwittingly taken in dreams.

胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel.

对于爱你的那一个人,你亦已有意无意地给了他很多负担。Love you for the person you have wittingly or unwittingly given him a lot of burdens.

老太太低头俯视着,像一个无心做错事的孩子一样怯生生的,不知说什么才好。The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittingly done wrong.

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胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。Mr. Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel.

不过现在有一项消息指出,现代人的生活方式正缓慢著削弱我们自然的性魅力讯号。But here comes news that our lifestyles may unwittingly undermine our natural sex appeal.

晋龙无意看到晶晶的告白,知道晶晶喜欢他。Johnlung unwittingly sees Jing Jing's love confession and realises she is in love with him.

秋天,一片片落叶在秋风中旋转,不知不觉中迎来了冬爷爷。Autumn, fallen leaves in autumn in a rotation, unwittingly ushered in the winter grandfather.

在几百万人中,你有可能是那位无意中在睡眠中欺骗了自己的人。Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.

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农夫在无意间创造了蛙的天堂-艾氏树蛙在这里找到完美的家。The harvesters unwittingly create frog heaven- Eiffingeri tree frogs find perfect homes here.

我们也许会因战争而毁灭了自己或者由于纳米技术而无意识地摧毁了这颗星球。We might destroy ourselves with warfare or unwittingly ravage the planet with nanotechnology.

这意味着艾滋病毒阳性的母亲不会不知情地对她们的婴儿判处死刑。It means that HIV positive mothers will not unwittingly give a death sentence to their babies.

所有剩余的快照就会被葬送,因为有人无意中打开暗室的大门。All remaining snapshots will be ruined because someone unwittingly opens the door to the darkroom.

可能是鱼在被追逐的时候游进去的,无意中把它们自己变成了包装零食。Fish might swim into them while being chased, unwittingly turning themselves into packaged snacks.

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由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜,他的双目失明。He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena.

1842年,查尔斯.斯托达特上校和阿瑟.康纳利船长两位英国军官在这里被当众斩首,这两位军官没有从维多利亚女王那里给希瓦可汗带来礼物,由此在无意识中羞辱了他。The pair had unwittingly insulted the Khan of Khiva by not bringing him gifts from Queen Victoria.

这个喜剧有关人类如何能不知不觉地沉浸在绝对徒劳无功的活动中。The joke was about how human beings can unwittingly immerse themselves in utterly futile activities.