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让你自己复原。Let yourself rejuvenate.

现在就开始返老还童吧。Now, go forth and rejuvenate.

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施这种化肥,可以使水稻复壮。Fertilizer of this kind can rejuvenate rice.

同样地,他的健康状况也没有恢复。Likewise, his health did not rejuvenate either.

山中的新鲜空气将使中年妇女恢复青春。The fresh mountain air will rejuvenate the middle-aged women.

在脸上喷上几下可以立马提神醒脑,让你焕发青春活力。A few squirts onto your face can uplift and rejuvenate you in an instant.

他试图每天进行体育锻炼以使自己返老还童。He tried to rejuvenate himself by performing physical exercises each day.

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这家五星级拉古纳海滩酒店是振兴一个难忘的地方。This five-star Laguna Beach hotel is an unforgettable spot to rejuvenate.

这会保证你的肌肉有足够的时间来愈合和复原。This will ensure that your muscles have plenty of time to heal and rejuvenate.

保湿液混合了天然的滋润液,可滋养和再生肌肤。Hydration Fluid uses natural humectants to moisture, nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

探索新的方式来振兴这个穴位按摩技术,自己的免费视频。Discover new ways to rejuvenate yourself in this free video on acupressure techniques.

小睡10分钟,可以让你恢复精神,让快乐的情绪在心中流淌。A 10-minute nap is all it takes to rejuvenate your spirit and get the happiness to flow.

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分钟,可以让你恢复精神,让快乐的情绪在心中流淌。A 10-minute nap is all it takes to rejuvenate your spirit and get the happiness to flow.

改革激活特区,开放振兴琼州,发展成就海南!Rejuvenate the special economic zone and achieve progress through reform and opening up!

特别是,红黑军团正致力于后防线的强化和年轻化。In particular, rossoneri are working for the defensive line, to reinforce and rejuvenate.

明天,我们将举行关于恢复裁军谈判会议的高级别会议。Tomorrow, we are hosting a high level meeting to rejuvenate the Conference on Disarmament.

放松对于减轻精神压力和重新激发身心来说显然是必要的。Relaxation is absolutely necessary to relieve mental stress and rejuvenate your body and mind.

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老美目前花费稍微增加,但仍不足以使软弱的经济回春。Americans are spending a little more now, but hardly enough to rejuvenate the weakening economy.

任何“有违常规”的事儿对我们的精神来说都是好的,让我们得以“返老还童”。And any break in the routine is good for the spirit, providing you with the chance to rejuvenate.

因矿山开采而出现的大面积荒废的丑陋矿坑如何整治利用,是摆在我们面前的严峻课题。How to rejuvenate the mass of ill-looking wasted quarries after exploitation is the serious problem.