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三是以文献为基础的目录学成就。Third, the bibliography achievement based on document.

包含词汇表,连接和一个全面书目。Contains glossary, links and a comprehensive bibliography.

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地质学文献题录与索引。Bibliography and Index of Geology, with Annual Cumulations.

在写着“剑桥“的文献目录里也没有It is not to be found with a bibliography saying "Cambridge."

在写着“剑桥“的文献目录里也没有“It is not to be found with a bibliography saying "Cambridge."

论文中列有该主题的文献索引。The study includes a bibliography of resources on this subject.

青康藏高原暨毗邻地区西文文献目录。A bibliography of the Tibetan highland and its adjacent districts.

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一个很完整的书目似乎季刊杂志-历史。A very complete bibliography appears quarterly in the Revued'hist.

不要忘记文献评论和参考文献。Don't forget about such things as literature review and bibliography.

本文对“大目录学观”问题,作了一次专门的回顾与讨论。This paper reviews and discusses the viewpoint of great bibliography.

数字时代,目录学的生存环境发生了深刻变化。In the digital age, the environment of Bibliography has changed a lot.

文章对目录学核心问题讨论做了一次专门的学习与研究。This article makes a special study of the core question of bibliography.

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在表下还列出推荐参考书目。A bibliography of recommended reference texts are listed below the table.

这本书像是一部精致的作品,具有纪年表、传记参考文献和索引。The book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index.

第四章介绍了协同通信发展历程。Chapter 4 introduces the general bibliography of cooperative communications.

他说不可知论者也要求一个“更加公平的”书目。He said the agnostics were also demanding a "more even-handed" bibliography.

每周之指定阅读资料将依选定之书目分类。Weekly reading assignments will be distributed from a selected bibliography.

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文章还讨论了21世纪目录学的发展转向。The transforming trends of bibliography in the 21st century are also discussed.

通过文献目录,读者能够容易地查到他们想要寻找的作者和著作。Readers can easily find the author and the books they want via the bibliography.

文章从加强古籍利用的角度探索了数字时代古籍目录学的发展。The paper explores the development of bibliography ancient books in digital age.