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泰丝那时正努力使自己摆脱过去的生活。Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life.

送他上学,以便与坏的伙伴断绝来往。He was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions.

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汤姆被送去上学,以使他和坏伙伴断绝来往。Tom was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions.

另一个使家人转变观念的方法是进行意向测试。Another fun way to wean your family is to conduct taste tests.

但是当你在信心中成长,他要你戒断这些依赖。But as you grow in faith, he will wean you of these dependencies.

如果到了给你的孩子戒奶嘴的时候,请慢着性子来。When the time comes to wean your child from the pacifier, do it gradually.

当然,一下子改变自我为中心是很难。It is of course very hard to wean ourselves away from immolation-centredness.

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当然,没有一种对策是要让我们在未来几十年里逐渐摆脱煤炭的。Of course, no single strategy is going to wean us off coal in several decades.

或许我会戒掉对闹钟的依赖,最起码在白天小睡的时候可以。I might be able to gradually wean myself off the alarm, at least during the daytime naps.

其目的在于逐渐脱离肉食,而不仅仅是戒掉在晚上吃东西的习惯。The goal is to gradually wean the dieter off meat rather than demand an overnight change.

你可以因为其他原因选择戒断夜奶,但不要仅仅是为了防止龋齿去断夜奶。You may have other reasons to do so, but do not wean at night in order to decrease cavities.

不过总有一天,弗里金杰的聚合物能帮助我们一个灯泡一个灯泡地摆脱对矿物燃料的依赖。But, one day, Flickinger's polymers could help wean us off fossil fuels, one light bulb at a time.

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你可以在晚上不查邮件,或是在和家人吃饭时关掉手机。Wean yourself off your email inbox in the evenings and turn your mobile off during family meal times.

他必须戒掉自己吮吸他人能量的恶习,而成为一个充满活力的能源体并不断向外放射这种正能量。He must wean himself from suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy himself.

他说自己尝试过让杰克逊摆脱丙泊酚,还说杰克逊的手上和脚上均有注射过丙泊酚的针孔。He said he tried to wean Jackson off the drug. Murray said Jackson had injection marks on his hands and feet.

虽然这个工厂只生产100兆瓦的电力,可它完全不需要阿布扎比的人们提供面包和黄油。Though the plant will produce 100 MW of electricity, it won't exactly wean Abu Dhabi off its bread and butter.

他也说服了他雇佣的一个年轻作者去上课,好让她自己从各种各样的药物治疗中摆脱出来。He also persuaded a young writer on his staff to take the course, in order to wean herself from various medications.

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特别是中国,要脱离出口带动型经济,起关键作用的是国家的政治,甚至是文化能力。What counts is the political and even cultural capacity of countries—especially China—to wean themselves from export-led growth.

一个愤怒的“苹果迷”亲自致信乔布斯,把弃用火线接口的决策批了一通。An angry "Apple fan" took it upon himself to email Jobs and criticize Apple's decision to wean its consumer products off of Firewire.

这些专家认为,母亲们应该有权决定何时中止喂母乳,并慢慢引导婴孩使用奶瓶和奶嘴。These experts maintain that a mother should decide when the breastfeeding stage is over, and gently wean her child to a bottle or cup.