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现在我所掌握的事实只是一些断简残篇。The facts that I have now are fragmentary.

有关这学科他的知识残缺不全。His knowledge of the subject is fragmentary.

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而实际上,对结果的知识总是不完整的。In fact, knowledge of consequences is always fragmentary.

片段性是卡罗·斯卡帕个性化建筑的显著特征。Fragmentary nature is the main character of Carlo Scarpa's architecture.

这些过往经历的主人把它们当作是零碎的半记忆片段。The owners of these experiences recognize them as fragmentary semimemories.

人们对她漫长的人生道路的了解,只停留在少许没有年代顺序的、支离破碎的片段之上。All but a few fragmentary episodes of her own long life remain unchronicled.

他们为我们讲诉了那时动物的生活现状,而不只是支离破碎的残骸化石。They tell us vastly more about how the animal lived than fragmentary remains.

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他们试图根据一些零星资料设想出犯罪的情景。They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.

过去人类知识残缺不全,只能头痛医头,脚病治脚。In the past Man's knowledge was fragmentary . It could only provide makeshift solutions.

光阴把回想辗转成零碎,化做晨曦中的一抹雾霭。Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.

现行法律的规定略嫌零散,而且存在着盲区。The stipulation of ongoing law is a little fragmentary and omits some necessary provisions.

到了教堂的钟楼,他们零碎谈话的空隙才算给填满。When they met in the church tower the gaps in their fragmentary conversation were filled up.

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关于牛恶性卡他热的病理发生,仅能获得一些零星的资料。Only fragmentary information on pathogenesis of bovine malignant catarrhal fever is available.

没有人文思想资源的浸润,人的认识和判断将是残缺和畸异的。If there is no resource of humanities, the cognition and judgment of human will be fragmentary.

其中我们发现了一份非常有趣的文献,是在希俄斯岛上的一处残缺碑文One of the interesting documents we have is a fragmentary inscription from the Island of Chios.

采用统计方法剔除粗大误差、消减冗余数据和插补残缺数据。Gross error and redundant data are eliminated by statistical means, and fragmentary data is mended.

你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。You splashed fragmentary words in the corner with ink, and romanced out a summer without gurgitation.

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矿山闭坑后应继续勘察开发零星矿体及综合利用尾矿。After the pit was closed tailings utilization and small fragmentary ore bodies development should be concerned.

尽管他最后一本谈建筑风格的书鲜为人知,但却是他的一本重要著作。His last book on building types, although fragmentary and almost unknown, is I think one of his important ones.

就目前情况来看,我们所确定的汉藏同源词从总体上看是零星的、不成系统的。Ingeneral, our identification of Sino-Tibetan cognates to date has tended to be fragmentary and not systematized.