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那个RFA根本就是对中国FDA报告的曲解。That RFA story is a distortion of the China FDA report.

经皮射频消融术在肝脏肿瘤的治疗中占有重要的位置,是一种安全有效的治疗方法。The RFA is an effective and safe method in the treatment of liver tumor.

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RFA术后半年内须密切复查注意肿瘤针道转移的发生。A close follow up and recheck was necessary within half a year after RFA.

结论PET检查对聚能刀射频治疗的近期疗效评价具有独特的重要作用。Conclusion PET is of great significance in evaluating the short-term effect of RFA.

结果射频消融术后CT扫描见治疗区仍有残留癌灶。Results Residual nodules were found in the treated areas after RFA by enhanced CT scan.

射频消融治疗儿童心房扑动需积累经验。The experience of RFA in the treatment of atrial flutter in children should be accumulated.

此图描绘了在治疗一个较大的肝癌肿瘤时射频消融术形成的“热柱”。Drawing illustrates the treatment of a large liver tumor with 'thermal cylinders' during RFA.

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结果12枚有蒂黏膜下肌瘤完整取出。Results After the RFA treatment, the 12 submucous myomas with pedicles were removed completely.

RFA后的剧烈疼痛是罕见的,但一旦发生可能会持续数天,需要麻醉剂来缓解痛苦。Severe pain after RFA is uncommon, but may last a few days and require a narcotic to provide relief.

你的皮肤上可能会开一个非常小的缺口,以便射频消融电极更容易进入肝脏。A very small nick may be made in your skin to make it easier to pass the RFA electrode into your liver.

“美国之音”主要专注于美国和世界新闻,而“自由亚洲电台”则关注朝鲜和逃往韩国的近两万名朝鲜人的生活状况。S. and the world, while RFA concentrates on North Korea and life for the nearly 20,000 defectors in the South.

方法对21例肺恶性肿瘤患者的31个瘤体进行CT引导下射频治疗。Methods CT-guided RFA was performed in 21 patients with pulmonary malignancy, the sum total of ablated lesions was 31.

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这艘货船通过英国皇家海军和“德维尔特”号驱逐舰展开的联合行动得救。The vessel was freed in a joint operation carried out by Royal Marines from the RFA Fort Victoria and the USS De Wert.

在为报道收集信息时,本台记者仅作为自由亚洲电台新闻工作者,并无其他代表身份。In gathering information for a story, our reporters will not represent themselves as anything other than RFA journalists.

目的探讨度非合剂镇痛在射频消融治疗膈顶部肝癌的应用价值。Objective To study the application of pethidine and promethazine analgesia in RFA for liver cancer located under the diaphragm.

结论消融右肺静脉脂肪垫使高位右心房房颤诱发率降低及房颤诱发窗口变窄,却使左房、右上肺静脉房颤诱发率升高及房颤诱发窗口增宽。CONCLUSION RPV fat pad RFA decreases the induction of AF at the HRA, while increases the induction at the left atria and the RSPV.

结论术中超声引导下射频消融治疗晚期胰体尾癌是一种安全有效的姑息性疗法。Conclusions US-guided RFA is an effective and safe treatment for unresectable carcinoma of pancreatic body and tail during operation.

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这些患者在接受射频消融术之后,41例肿瘤中有34例得到了根治,而且没有肠道并发症。After RFA ablation was performed on these patients, 34 of the 41 tumors were found to be eradicated, with no bowel-related complications.

RFA是一个比较快的手术,恢复速度也很快,即便化疗的患者也可以几乎立即恢复。RFA is a relatively quick procedure and recovery is rapid so that chemotherapy may be resumed almost immediately in patients who need it.

抗议者还要求当权者取消和田市已经颁布的头巾禁令,和田是一个离北京数千英里的绿洲城市。Protesters were also demanding the authorities scrap a proposed headscarf ban in Hotan, an oasis town thousands of miles from Beijing, said RFA.