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这意味着他加禄语和英语一样有价值一样令人信服。This means that Tagalog is every bit as valid and valuable as English.

拿着木制十字架的菲律宾人边走边以他加禄语唱着诗歌。有些人热泪盈眶。Filipinos carrying wooden crosses marched singing a hymn in Tagalog , some in tears.

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流行的他加禄语与菲律宾语则威胁着菲律宾弱小本土语言的存续。The popular Tagalog and Filipino languages threaten small indigenous languages in the Philippines.

小的时候我能说好多塔加拉族语的,不过之后很少用得上,所以大多数都忘了。Natsukashii yo. When I was younger I could speak a lot of tagalog , but I rarely use it anymore so Ive forgotton most of it.

农民可以拨打一个号码,然后自动应答会用塔加路语询问他们一些简单的问题,或用其他语言询问,包括英语。Farmers will call a number and a recorded voice will ask them simple questions in Tagalog or other languages including English.

农民们可以拨打一个号码,语音功能会用塔加路族语或其他包括英语在内的语言,向他们提问若干简单问题。Farmers will call a number and a recorded voice will ask them simple questions in Tagalog or other languages, including English.

农民只需拨打一个号码,就会有使用塔加路语的电话录音来问他们一些简单的问题。Farmers will call a mumber , number and a recorded voice will ask them simple questions in Tagalog or other languages including English.

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没有任何严肃的语言学家、记者或政治家没有收集事实就敢对他加禄语或马拉雅拉姆语发表评论。No serious linguist, journalist or politician would dare pass judgment on Tagalog or Malayalam without having gathered facts on those languages.

一辆小汽车在车站边停下。一个菲律宾女人下了车。从中国人身边走过的时候,用它加洛语跟他说了些什么。中国人明白她是在问汽车时刻。A car pulled over and a Phillipine woman came out, said something in Tagalog to the Chinese as she passed him, but the Chinese understood she was talking about bus.

滋贺县的官方网站是利用外部网站的自动翻译服务,翻译成中文、英语、韩语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、塔加路族语。The Shiga Prefecture official website can be translated into English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog using an external automatic translation service.

菲律宾语用作基于塔加拉语的奥特罗尼西亚语的名称,从其它菲律宾语言中提取词素,并且做为菲律宾的官方语言。Used as the name for the austronesian language that is based on tagalog draws its lexicon from other philippine languages and is the official language of the philippines.

如果您有任何关于他加禄语维基百科跨语言问题上的问题或建议,请您在这里或讨论页留言。If you have any announcements or questions regarding international issues of the Tagalog Wikipedia, you are invited to post them here or on the discussion page of this article.