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不要给鸢尾兰浇水。Do not water the bearded iris.

汤姆在狮穴捋狮须。Tom bearded the lion in its den.

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喔!在朦胧的暮色中吻我!Kiss me out of the bearded barley.

有唇上长须的西班牙水手And Spanish sailors with bearded lips

雪的重量压塌了房顶。Houses bearded the top of the heights.

我不认识那边那个留胡须的人。I don't know the bearded man over there.

一只白鼻心躺在鸢尾兰区。A possum laid down the bearded iris field.

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然后,我看见了我的留胡子的王子。Then I saw my prince, bearded and mustached.

沥青路边,树长着胡子,像老人Along the blacktop, trees are bearded as old men

满口奇怪的誓言,胡须留得像豹子。Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard.

我想有胡子的男人也很有魅力。I think bearded men can also be very attractive.

奇怪的誓言不绝于口,胡须如同豹子的触须。Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard.

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您只看见那大胡子和那长头发吗?You saw only that bearded and that long-haired man?

大胡子男子会给人一种试图在隐瞒什么的感觉。A thickly bearded man can seem to be hiding something.

朱莉娅·帕斯特罗娜是历史上最著名的“大胡子女士”。Julia Pastrana was history's most famous bearded lady.

男人们满脸胡须,人人都是留着一头长发。The men are heavily bearded and everyone has long hair.

人们认为革命者都是满脸胡须,邋里邋遢的。People expected revolutionaries to be bearded and unkempt.

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一根冲锋枪枪管将胡渣男翻身到背面。The barrel of a rifle ROLLS the Bearded Man onto his back.

明年长胡子的熊将在后方生一只可爱的崽。Next year the bearded bear will bear a bear baby in the rear.

明年,长胡子的熊将会在后方生一头可爱的小熊。Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the fear.