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那个值。That value.

牌的分值。Value of Cards.

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而且我还有值。And I have value.

没有默认值。No default value.

我们的价值是什么?What do we value?

为什么是标量值呢?Why a scalar value?

剩余价值规律。Law of surplus value.

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我的价值如何最大化?What do I value most?

他的工作没有价值。His work has no value.

关注于会增值的价值。Focused on adding value.

现值是什么What is a present value?

你认为哪个更值得?Which do you value more?

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如果这是我要找的目标数,噢先生们。And I look at that value.

并把它赋值为。I assign it a value of 2.

编写一个单精度浮点数。Writes a Unique Id value.

我们都重视教育。All of us value education.

零为起始值。Zero is the initial value.

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我们咋评估这些价值呢?How do we assess the value?

我会尝试返回这个值。I try and return the value.

它有关认知价值。It’s about perceived value.