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不能用USDA印章或认证标志。No use of USDA seal or certifier's logo.

寻找标有“美国农业部有机”的绿色图章。Look for the green seal that says USDA Organic.

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详询美国农业部公共信息热线202-690-4730。Contact USDA Public Information at 202-690-4730.

那么在整个事件中,美国农业部都起到了什么作用呢?最好别问。And where was the USDA in all of this? Best not to ask.

美国农业部预计大豆的平均收获率为每公顷2.59吨。USDA projects average soybean yield at 2.59 tonnes per hectare.

你可以在USDA网站找到当地的农友市场。You can find a farmer's market in your area at the USDA website.

美国农业部还保护天然资源并提倡食品安全。The USDA also protects natural resources and promotes food safety.

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美国特优级牛肉拥有最多的脂肪和汁水,肉质最嫩。USDA prime has the most marbling and is the most tender and juicy.

哈克斯说,美国农业部在做决定时会利用“有效可行的科学”。Hawks said the USDA would use "good science" in making its decision.

只买农业部检查标记过的巴氏杀菌蛋。Buy only pasteurized egg products that bear the USDA inspection mark.

无谷蛋白婴儿大米饼也是经美国农业部认证通过的有机食品。The gluten free toddler rice biscuits are also USDA certified organic.

USDA指南中建议每天使用三盎司以上全谷类食品。USDA guidelines recommend three ounces or more of whole grains per day.

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美国农业部帮助美国人寻找其它能源有很长的历史。USDA has a long history of helping Americans with their energy choices.

美国农业部还预计,收获率也将达到创纪录的每公顷2.83吨。Yields are forecast at a record 2.83 tonnes per hectare, the USDA noted.

宾馆酒店、餐厅和特色市场更多地选用美国特优级牛肉。Hotels, restaurants and specialty markets purchase most USDA prime meats.

农业部的报告指责Baudy的安全失职导致了Lowe的死。The USDA report blamed Baudy for safety failures that led to Lowe’s death.

美国农业部相关部门对最常见的抗农达甜菜做出裁决。USDA agency ruled on the most popular variety of Roundup Ready sugar beets.

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在2005年,美国农业部宣布了“我的食物金字塔“计划,一个友好版的用户膳食指南。In 2005, the USDA announced the myPyramid, a user friendly eating guideline.

美国农业部基于牛肉的嫩度、汁水和风味来定其质量等级。The USDA bases each grade on the tenderness, juiciness and flavor of the meat.

美国农业部说,这一个月的时间足够用来对作物喷洒除菌剂。This would also leave plenty of time to spray crops with fungicide, USDA said.