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因此,它是一个所谓的,五,我们称之为五声的音阶So, it's a penta-- what we call a pentatonic scale.

因此,它是一个所谓的,五,我们称之为五声的音阶。So, it's a penta-- what we call a pentatonic scale.

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五声音阶包含五个音,并且没有半音阶。The pentatonic scale, a scale of five notes, is a scale without semitones.

普通的五音阶起源于如下所示的方法。The common pentatonic scales can be derived in this manner, as shown below.

三全音被括弧起来和衍生的六音阶也加在旁边。The tritones are bracketed , and the derivative pentatonic scale written alongside.

我听的全部摇滚吉他手总是在五声音阶的“箱子”图案上演奏。All the rock guitarists I listened to always played out of the pentatonic "box" patterns.

第一章,中国航油西南公司实施低成本战略的背景介绍。The article outlines the formation and development of a pentatonic scale in ancient China.

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它大量用于远东的文化中,这种五声的音阶,五个音符的音阶And that's used in a lot of Far East cultures— the pentatonic scale, just a five-note scale there.

琵琶传统乐曲大都是五声调式,速度大都是中速或慢速。Most traditional music by Pipa belongs to the pentatonic scale, and the speed is intermediate or slow.

玩乐器这么长时间,就觉得五声音阶好听。I has been playing the amusement such long time, just thought the pentatonic scale is pleasant to hear.

象大多数孩子一样,我开始也听并演奏摇滚乐,但是我很快开始厌倦五声音阶的声音。Like most kids, I started out listening to and playing rock and roll. But I quickly tired of the pentatonic sound.

民族旋律大都是由五声音阶中纯四度内的各种三音列为主干音变化发展的。Most of Chinese traditional melodies come from the various tone-rows of thirds in fourth structure of the pentatonic scale.

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一般中国五声调式旋律难写,要写成一条真正的角调式旋律则更加困难。The melody in Chinese pentatonic scales is hard to compose, and it is more difficult to compose a real melody in Jiao Mode.

根据上述教学要求,本文将五声调式的调性发展问题作为主要研究课题。According to the teaching requirements, this paper will take the development of pentatonic tonality as the main research topic.

有时候三全音的一个或两个音调会一起从音阶中被忽略,这样就创造出了六音阶或五音阶。Sometimes one or both notes of the tritone will be omitted from the scale altogether, which creates a hexatonic or pentatonic scale.

第二部分是分析在中国作曲家的作品中,有关五声调式交替、五声调式远关系转调方面的探索与实践。The second part is analysis of Chinese composers' exploration of alternating and far-relationship transfering of pentatonic tonality.

大调五声音阶是指由五个音组成的。他包括大调里的1音级,2音级,3音级,5音级,6音级,不包括任何的半音。The major pentatonic scale is a five note scale. It contains scale degrees 1,2,3,5,6 from the major scale, and does not contain any half-steps.

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五声性调式和声中有多种不同的和弦结构方式,运用不同的结构方式构成的和弦会有不同的和声效果。There are many different kinds of chord structures in Pentatonic Mode Harmony. The chord with different structures will definitely have different harmony effects.

“五声性半音化”的实践与探索,对于研究中国作曲家作曲技术理论的发展规律具有重要意义。The practice and exploration of the chromaticalized pentatonic scales is of great importance to the study of Chinese composing technique theory and its development rules.

运用此种中国五声调式同主音横向综合的手法,可以达到在我国民族风格的基础上进行创新而又不失去原有的民族风格。With the means of lateral synthesis of the same keynote in Chinese pentatonic modes, we are able to create innovation based on the national style without losing national flavor.