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损伤肾小球。Damage renal glomerulus.

图示正常肾小球。A normal glomerulus is shown diagramatically.

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葡萄搪在肾小球溥出。The grape keeps out in the renal glomerulus is broad.

每个肾小球由复杂的毛细血管分支系统所组成。Each glomerulus consists of a complex branching system of capillaries.

足细胞的足突与肾小球毛细血管紧贴并形成滤过孔。The capillary vessels of the glomerulus are lacunary and are connected with the mesenteric cells.

壁层上皮细胞形成新月体性肾炎的肾小球,新月体从四周挤压毛细血管丛。Here is another glomerulus with epithelial crescents squashing the glomerular tufts from all sides.

该脂肪栓塞患者的肾小球毛细血管腔内含有脂肪滴。The capillary loops of this glomerulus contain fat globules in a patient with fat embolism syndrome.

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夜间血压负荷值的大小与肾小球、肾小管病损呈正相关。The nighttime ABP Load-value Had a positive correlation with the glomerulus and renal tubule lesion.

本文就突触小球的结构成分和突触小球的概念等问题进行了讨论。The problems of the synaptic components and concept of the structure in synaptic glomerulus were discussed.

在肾脏组织切片图像的自动分析系统中,肾小球区域边界的增强是一个关键的环节。In the automatic analysis system of the kidney-tissue image, boundary enhancement for glomerulus area is a vital step.

病理学主要表现为肾小球内玻璃样变、硬化和血管减少。Pathology mainly showed that glass-like substrate in renal glomerulus was ameliorated, sclerosis and the vessel reduced.

修复肾小球机械屏障与电荷屏障的组织结构,恢复肾小球选择性滤过功能。Repair the organization structure of Glomerulus mechanical barrier and charge barrier, restore Glomerular selective filtration function.

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结果①型组大鼠出现明显蛋白尿,肾小球、细血管丛增大,PAS阳性物质增多。Results① Obvious albuminuria, enlargement of glomerulus and capillary vessel, increase of PAS-positive matter area were found in model group.

而高血压早期肾脏就出现了以尿微量蛋白等为特征的肾小管肾小球的功能异常。And the disfunctions of nephric tubule and glomerulus characterized by renal small protein have appeared in the earlier period of the hypertensive kidney.

早期病例只在部分肾小球脏层上皮细胞胞质内观察到嗜锇“斑马小体”。Typical "zebra" like osmiophilic bodies are the characteristic ultrastrucural change of glomerulus visceral epithelial cells, especially in early stages of disease.

肾小球充满细胞,毛细血管袢分辨不清,为增生性肾小球肾炎,也称作链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎。This glomerulus is hypercellular and capillary loops are poorly defined. This is a type of proliferative glomerulonephritis known as post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

病理表现为系膜基质增多,肾小球基底膜上皮下透明物质积聚以及毛细血管袢与包氏囊粘连等改变。The pathological character shows that messegium increased, transparency material of the glomerulus basement membrane epithelium accumulates, capillary and capsular adheres.

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糖尿病肾病主要病理变化包括肾小球肥大,肾小球细胞外基质积聚,肾小球基底膜增厚和肾小球硬化。The principal of pathological changes of DN included glomerulus hypertrophy, glomerulus extracellular matrix accumulating, basement membrane thickening and glomerulosclerosis.

提示通过降低血液粘度和增加血流量是治疗肾小球疾病和改善肾脏功能的有效途径。This indicates that it is an effective way to treat kidney glomerulus diseases arid improve the function of the kidney by lowering blood viscosity and increase the output of the blood flow.

观察所见,5周胚肾已有肾小体发生,肾内的间充质首先分化成造血干细胞,在造血干细胞的诱导下形成毛细血管及肾小囊。The result showed that the renal corpuscle had generated at the age of 5th week. First mesenchymal proper order the capillary of the glomerulus and the renal capsule were induced by the stem cells.