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我比较喜欢路易十七。I prefer Louis XVIII.

美国属地金融机构。完成第十七部份。Nonfinancial group entity. Complete Part XVIII.

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我宁愿她嫁给路易十八也不愿她多留一天在家里!I'd rather marry Louis XVIII. than keep her another day in the house!

当时恐怖万状,以致在马林①的孔代亲王和在根特的路易十八都提心吊胆。This panic was such that it attacked the Prince de Conde at Mechlin, and Louis XVIII. at Ghent.

看到这种神色慌张的样子,路易十八就猛地推开了那张他正在写字的桌子。AT THE SIGHT of this agitation Louis XVIII pushed from him violently the table at which he was sitting.

一个佩戴着圣路易十字勋章的老人站了起来,他提议为国王路易十八的健康干杯。An old man, decorated with the cross of Saint Louis, now rose and proposed the health of King Louis XVIII.

十八世纪,英国曾命令它的殖民地只许在大城市里销售蒸馏酒。During the XVIII century, England tried to force its colonies to sell the distilled production only to the metropolis.

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当我年轻,我没有在所有关心时尚,我只是梦想着礼服的十八世纪前的画作。When I was younger, I didn't care about fashion at all, I was just dreaming in front of XVIII century dresses in paintings.

那绝望几乎压倒了警务大臣,几乎是扑到了国王的脚下,后者不由得倒退了几步,并皱起了眉头。The minister of police, giving way to an impulse of despair, was about to throw himself at the feet of Louis XVIII. , who retreated a step and frowned.

他们这伙在热月九日还以为路易十七是统治者,在马伦哥胜利之日也还以为路易十八是统治者的人,又怎能见到这一点呢?And how should they have suspected it, they who fancied that Louis XVII. Reigned on the 9th of Thermidor, and that Louis XVIII. Was reigning at the battle of Marengo?

这种杀微生物剂凝胶含有抗逆转录病毒药物替诺福韦,它在今年6月通过了III期临床试验,而且在7月于维也纳举行的第18届国际艾滋病大会上宣布了这一成功。gel, containing the antiretroviral agent tenofovir, passed phase III clinical trials in June, and the success was announced at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna in July.