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我并未对此泪眼摩挲。I’m not teary eyed about it.

他问了一个很蠢的问题。He asked a cock- eyed question.

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老闆狐疑地看著他。The boss eyed him suspiciously.

我可以是你宠溺的纯真天使。I could be your blue eyed angel.

她不满地瞟了她丈夫一眼。She eyed her husband distastefully.

它从附近的一棵树上注视着帐篷。He eyed the tent from a nearby tree.

严重的感冒使他视力模糊。A bad cold has made him bleary- eyed.

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她拿了钱,还很凶地瞧了我一眼。She took the money and eyed me nastily.

我们注视着它,这遗落的时光的帕子。We eyed it, the dropped kerchief of time.

他以怀疑的目光注视着那三个陌生人。He eyed the three strangers with suspicion.

凡·莫里森1967年写下了“棕色眼睛的女孩”。Van Morrison wrote "Brown Eyed Girl" in 1967.

所有男人都饶有兴趣地盯着看这位美丽的姑娘。All the men eyed the beautiful girl with interest.

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许多性情乖戾、样子凶恶、眼神粗野的人工作。Many surly , brutal-looking , wild- eyed men work.

夏奇拉和黑眼豆豆合唱团将成为开幕式的亮点。Sharia and the Black Eyed Peas were the highlights.

瞄准扩大风电和小水电以及节能规模Wind and Hydro Power, Energy Efficiency Scale-up Eyed

他看见一对年长的夫妇在喝汤,就继续往前走。He eyed an older couple slurping soup and kept moving.

吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈。The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.

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桡足类是寻找一个有趣的小眼睛的甲壳类动物。Copepods are small and funny looking one eyed crustaceans.

她踮着脚尖沿着过道走过去。Tiptoeing down the hallway, she eyed the front door warily.

安德森注视着那个人留下的形状奇特的物体。Anderson eyed the oddly shaped object the man had left behind.