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离耶稣受难地几千英里。thousands from Calvary.

数千人死于饥荒。Thousands died of famine.

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它们是以千计算的。They are counted by thousands.

还有成千上万的军人负伤归来。Thousands more have been wounded.

那我说一千个对不起,好吗?Thousands of "sorry" for you, OK?

他们需要数千名志愿者。They need thousands of volunteers.

每天,我要做几千个这木塞。Every day, I did thousands of them.

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数以千计大大小小的唱片店也都关门大吉了。So did thousands of smaller stores.

这一发现可能价值数千美元。Their find could be worth thousands.

接时将会有成千上万的人观看。There will be thousands watching it.

伤亡数以千计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

伤亡数以百计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

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成千上万的人拒绝缴纳他们的税款。Thousands refused to pay their taxes.

一千英里是很长的一段距离。One thousands mils is a long distance.

因为这需要它们数以千年的工作量They'd be busy for thousands of years.

千名守卫,共囚一犯。One thousands guards, and one prisoner.

单单这个月,你就已损失数千。You’ve lost thousands this month alone.

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里面有上千个托座。It included in it thousands of brackets.

伙伴,这里有几千块钱呢。Pard, there's thousands of dollars here.

数字是千元为的。The figures are in thousands of dollars.