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她的婚姻状况是什么?What was her marital status?

首先,减弱对于合法婚姻地位的关注。First, lighten our focus on legal marital status.

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结婚两年后我感到惊冱了。I had been marital two years when I startled myself.

茱莉一向绝口不提她的婚姻问题。Julie has been tight-lipped about her marital problems.

什么是正确的顺序萨尔科齐的婚姻史?What is the correct order of Sarkozy's marital history?

说实话,这是我们结婚来吵得最凶的一次。Honestly, it was our most dramatic marital fight to date.

年龄,婚否,收入,经历,住址,个人。Age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal.

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这也许是所有婚姻冲突中最不公正的事儿。This is perhaps the most unfair of all marital fallings-out.

也许,现在是时候回复到一个更为传统的婚姻模式了。Perhaps it’s time to revert to a much older marital tradition.

用婚姻心理学术语,这被称作‘第三方’。In the lingo of marital psychology, this is called triangulation.

郎昆和刘岩的婚姻状况一直是人们关注的焦点。Lang Kun and Liu's marital status has been the focus of attention.

如果你的伴侣愿意,寻找一个合格的婚姻治疗师。If your partner is willing, look for a competent marital therapist.

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是我多心了,还是你也听出了帕蒂言下对自己婚姻的不满意?Was it just me, or did you hear an undertone of marital discontent?

他一定已经知道父母的婚姻关系正在破裂。He must have known that his parents' marital relations are breaking.

第一章对婚内同居做出界定。In the first chapter, I made the definition of marital cohabitation.

如何才能够使第二段婚姻幸福美满?How can you get a better shot at marital bliss the second time around?

这份报告刊登在「姻与家庭治疗」刊上。The report was published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.

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上帝要让我们在婚姻的里面,来明白二人成为一体。God must let us in marital inside, understood two people become a body.

现行以婚姻状态为基准的差别待遇应当被禁止。that discrimination on the basis of marital status should be prohibited

本应是一次美好的剧院之行却在几分钟内导致了婚姻的破裂。A nice trip to the theatre reduced to marital disintegration in minutes.