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他说得太快了,使我们不能了解他的意思。He oke so rapidly that we could not clearly understand him.

她说话的口吻似乎表明她不想再给他添更多的麻烦。She oke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble.

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我们几乎闹翻,就因为在贾宝玉是否伤害了林黛玉的问题上达不成共识。lmost br oke off because we could not agree on whether Jia BaoYu hurt Lin Dai Yu?

"登山运动员在攀登悬崖峭壁时摔断了一条腿,住院治疗了一个月。"。The mountaineer br oke a leg while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.

脑卒中的各种康复治疗措施应特别强调对各种疼痛的处理。Therefore, treating pain should be emphasized in the healing therapy of cerebral str oke.

想想如果你能说汉语、英语和西班牙语,那该多好啊!它们是世界上最重要的语言之中的三种语言。Imagine if you oke Chinese, English and anish! Three of the biggest languages in the world.

她呼唤着奥立,希望能听到一声回答,可是奥立沉默着,没有给出一点他存在的迹象。She sp oke to Ole and hoped for an answer, but Ole was silent and gave no sign of his presence.

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可以想象,这个愚人节的玩笑给当地税务局造成了多大的麻烦。As you can imagine , this April Fool's oke caused a great deal of trouble at the local tax office !

Oke证实说一个案件已经历时3年,目前正在阿布贾高等法院等待审理。Oke confirmed that a court case had been underway for three years and was currently pending in the High Court in Abuja.

在第一盘比赛中,李娜以3-0领先,尽管莎拉波娃曾在李娜的发球局中领先两个破发点,但李娜顽强的扳回了比分,并战胜了莎拉波娃,留下了对手在风中凌乱。In the first set, Li raced into a 3-0 lead and oke three times as Sharapova, who took two games off the Chinese player's serve, struggled for rhythm in the wind.

星期五一位妇女对受害人家属表示,在宾夕法尼亚洲校园凶杀案中被杀害的一名门诺教女孩为了挽救其他年龄更小的孩子们的性命,要求歹徒首先向她开枪。One of the girls who died in Pe ylvania's Amish schoolhouse ma acre asked the killer to shoot her first in an a arent bid to save the younger girls, a woman who oke to the victim's family said Friday.