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你会惊讶斐波纳契数列如何提供支撑的。Amazing how it found support with Fibonacci.

这里体现了斐波纳契数列结果。Here the Fibonacci Outgrowth is represented.

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每一列对应一个斐波那契数。Each column corresponds to a Fibonacci number.

你还记得上次我们在研究斐波那契数列吧。You remember last time we were looking at Fibonacci.

字体的大小也对应于一个斐波那契数。The font size also corresponds to a Fibonacci number.

它将我想要的斐波那契数,的值加上了参数。It takes the number whose Fibonacci memo I want plus a memo.

斐波那契设计最适宜用于博客和杂志页面布局。A Fibonacci design is best suited to blogs and magazine layouts.

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数值为,然后下一个数。And then the next Fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two.

斐波纳契通过多线程完整的源代码可以直接使用。Fibonacci By MultiThread complete source code can be used directly.

Fibonacci走到屋子前廊的长椅子上打开了一张报纸看。Fibonacci walks to a bench on his porch and flips open a newspaper.

下图是基于斐波那契网页设计的极简派博客版式。Below is a minimalist typography blog based on Fibonacci Web design.

菲波纳奇在牛市的后期一跃而成为技术主流。Fibonacci jumped into the technical mainstream late in thebullmarket.

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斐波那契树木布局设计表现得比平面设计性能优越。The Fibonacci tree design performed better than the flat-panel model.

斐波那契螺旋是黄金螺旋线的近似表达。A Fibonacci spiral, which is a close approximation of a golden spiral.

我的结果验证了斐波那契序列在这种布局模式背后的存在。My results confirmed that the Fibonacci sequence was behind the pattern.

一般来说,使用斐波那契序列非常容易就可以开发出页面布局。In general, layouts are quite easy to build using the Fibonacci sequence.

我应该补充一点,那就是从某种意义上来说,这是一个不真实的,名义上的。I should add that in some sense this is a phony Fibonacci straw-man Fibonacci.

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我在这里会注释掉Fibonacci数,我们不想再看一遍。I'll get rid of Fibonacci here, we don't want to bother looking at that again.

斐波那契提出了一个数字序列计数新生兔子。While counting his newborn rabbits, Fibonacci came up with a numerical sequence.

综指接下来要的阻力水平落在1537点的费氏线。Resistance for the KLCI is seen at 1537 WinChart Automatic Fibonacci Retracement.