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不,我来自韩国。No, ven go dal la Corea.

俄国正通过满洲向朝鲜推进。Russia was pushing down through Manchuria to Corea.

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韩国的茶礼种类繁多、各具特色。Types of tea custom in Corea is various and characteristic.

韩国的饮茶史也有数千年的历史。The history of tea-tasting in Corea is more than several thousand years.

相对韩国、日本等国家来说,我们对三维游戏引擎系统的研究比较滞后。The study of 3D game engine system in our country is behind Corea and Japan.

清纯、可爱又不失时尚是大多数人对韩式女装的评价。Cute and full of vogue, it is the most people's opinion of corea style suit-dress.

和日本一样,源于中国的韩国茶道,其宗旨是“和、敬、俭、真”。As that in Japan, Tea Dao in Corea originated from China and the doctrine of which is "harmony, respect, thrifty and verity".

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同时通过2003年47届世乒赛韩国削球手朱世赫的技术统计分析打法。The dissertation also analyses batting means through technic statistic of Corea athlete Zhu shine in 47's pingpong world competition in 2003.

柴胡是伞形科柴胡属的重要药用植物,也是我国、韩国及日本等国所使用的大宗药材。Belonging to Bupleurum of Umnelliferae, Bupleurum is an important plant for medicine as well as of popular herbal medicine in China, Corea and Japan.

公元7世纪时,饮茶之风已遍及全国,并流行于广大民间,因而韩国的茶文化也就成为韩国传统文化的一部分。In the 7th Centry A. D. , tasting tea had been popular all over the country, including common people and thus tea culture is one part of Corea traditional culture.

结论YAG激光作为一种新的角膜病灶清除方式具有安全、准确、可靠、高效等优点,并可能对病灶内的病原体有一定的物理破坏作用。Conclusion YAG laser, one of the new corea focus debridement, has many advantages of security, accuracy reliability, and efficiency, and it can destroy the pathogen in focus to some extent.