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冗余是不可避免的。Redundancy is inevitable.

垂直冗余码?。VRC? Vertical Redundancy Code?

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内存备用冗余已丢失。Memory spare redundancy is lost.

内存镜像冗余已丢失。Memory mirror redundancy is lost.

垂直冗余码校验?。VRC? Vertical Redundancy Checking?

冗余被减少或消灭。Redundancy is reduced or eliminated.

有时,这会导致冗余性。Sometimes, this leads to redundancy.

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通过冗余实现高可用性。High availability through redundancy.

提高了整个系统高程信息冗余度。The redundancy of height is improved.

过一会我们就知道多出来的那一部分意味着什么了。that redundancy means, and GetString.

这意味着,它们没有冗余。This means that they have no redundancy.

应用程序或服务器没有冗余性No redundancy for applications or servers

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要建立系统的后备力量。We need to build the redundancy in the system.

失效的成本和冗余性的成本The cost of failures and the cost of redundancy

那具有内置冗余性的应用程序呢?How about applications with built-in redundancy?

在某种程度上说,这存在冗余数。And, at some level, there is some redundancy here.

这样可以提供必要的冗余和安全性。This provides the necessary redundancy and safety.

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容量、冗余和可用性基础The basics of capacity, redundancy and availability

这显然是人浮于事、浪费物力以及效率低下。It's clear redundancy wastefulness and inefficiency.

冗余是人类语言的固有特征。Redundancy is an intrinsic feature of human language.