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我是写作的最热心的侍仆。I was writing’s most devotional handmaiden.

女神赫拉是出席由她的婢女虹膜。The goddess Hera is attended by her handmaiden Iris.

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一种更加强劲的货币是促成这些变化的一个因素。A stronger currency is a handmaiden to these changes.

也毋庸说那些送来鲜花的女神,把维纳斯送到岸边的风神,和她那些侍女等都是虚构出来的。And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself.

流行的观点是,技术是可科学的奴婢——更少的纯粹性,更多的商业性。The popular view is that technology is the handmaiden of science — less pure, more commercial.

这已经成为了百年禁令的根基,可以缓和道德上的恐慌感。It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century.

与上主的婢女玛利亚一起,你们会发现默观生活的喜乐和丰盈。With Mary, the handmaiden of the Lord, you will discover the joy and fruitfulness of the hidden life.

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利用年轻的凯拉与娜塔莉*波特曼的惊人的相似,她扮演了阿米达拉女王的女仆。Taking advantage of young Keira's striking likeness to Natalie Portman, she was cast as Sabé, a handmaiden to Princess Amidala.

这是政治家们喜欢做出的承诺,这些承诺抚平了对百年来禁止毒品虔诚的怀疑。That is the kind of promise politicians love to make. It assuages the sense of moral panic that has been the handmaiden of prohibition for a century.

莎比伪装成皇后,成为引诱敌人的诱饵,皇后则换上简单的宫女长袍,并使用她较不正式的名字佩米纳贝瑞。Sabé becomes a decoy, disguised as the Queen, while Amidala adopts a simple gown of a handmaiden , and goes by her less formal name of Padmé Naberrie.

奈特莉在这部电影里的事情并不多,基本上就是扮演阿米达拉的诱饵,在整部电影里作为女仆在闲游。Knightley doesn't have much to do in the movie as she's basically there to act as a decoy for Amidala, who swans about as a handmaiden for most of the movie.

政治正确已经演变成了一种“道德纯粹”,感觉上它可能令人振奋,但非常缺乏策略。它是装模作样和虚假虔诚的仆人,破坏了它自己的目标。Political correctness has morphed into a moral purity that may feel exhilarating but isn't remotely tactical. It's a handmaiden to smugness and sanctimony, undermining its own goals.