Use 'gluttony' in a sentence
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他的暴食使他生病了。His gluttony made him sick.
贪婪,愤怒,骄傲,淫欲,贪食。Greed, Wrath, Pride, Lust, Gluttony.
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当他饿的时候,吃起东西来像个老饕。Right but pride comes first not gluttony.
暴饮暴食曾被称为肉体的堕落。Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.
懒惰之罪只犯在饕餮和贪心之后。Sloth does not set in until after gluttony and avarice.
你若是贪食的,就当拿刀放在喉咙上。and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.
它们可以尽情饕餮,但却不用付出任何代价。They had all the pleasures of gluttony but paid none of the price.
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这是一种间歇性厌食暴食症吗?。Is this disease of gluttony of anorexia of a kind of intermittence?
怎样才能控制住即将到来的暴饮暴食呢?So what can be done to keep the gluttony under something resembling control?
他们闲散时就沉溺于安乐纵欲暴饮暴食。When they are idle they indulgethemselves into comfort lechery crapulence and gluttony.
很多老人,乏味的神父,小声抱怨着这些愈演愈烈的放肆、暴食。Many of the older, sourer priests grumbled at the spread of licentiousness and gluttony.
贪吃是七宗罪之一。又一只小浣熊逃脱了地狱之门。Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Another raccoon passes through the gates of hell.
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他们閒散时,就沉溺于安乐、纵欲、暴饮、暴食。When they are idle, they indulge themselves into comfort, lechery, crapulence and gluttony.
我们通常认为,暴食是身体吸取太多热量,简单来说,暴食的人吃东西吃得太多了。We typically think of gluttony as a matter of caloric intake. Simply put, a glutton is someone who eats too much.
如今的食物是如此便宜,以至于西方世界一边绞尽脑汁抵制暴饮暴食,一边把大量的残羹剩饭倒入垃圾箱。Food today is so cheap that the west is battling gluttony even as it scrapes piles of half-eaten leftovers into the bin.
暴饮暴食会改变脂肪量——身体所含脂肪的百分比——两年有余脂肪量都无法回到正常水平。The gluttony changes fat mass – the percentage of fat in the body – for more than two years making it harder to keep weight off.
银行老板因唯利是图、不顾后果地放贷和不留意自身机构的风险而被狠批。Bank bosses have been castigated for fee-seeking gluttony , reckless lending and failure to heed the risks to their institutions.
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确实,我们能够具有现在的规模也是通过吞并其他小星系,但是无节制地吞并小星系的时代过去了,同时也幸好过去了,不然我们银河系也将无法幸免。Sure, we got to our present size by eating other galaxies, but the time of unrestrained gluttony is in the past, and that’s good.
从东方哲学到中国功夫再到精神疗法,他饕餮群书,涉猎极广。From the Eastern philosophy to the Chinese time to the psychotherapy, his gluttony all kinds of books, browses again extremely broadly.
书中的主角并不讨喜,英格拉姆说,他对食物及女人的欲望炒超出了“西方式的暴饮暴食和超前消费的理念。”The protagonist is unlikable, with appetites for food and women that Ingram said stand in for "Western society's gluttony and overconsumption."