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串行接口,8位LED显示驱动程序。Serially interfaced, 8-digit LED display driver.

听说要连播十天呢,接下来的节目我还是要看的。Heard that must broadcast serially ten days, the program then I must look.

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这是一个基于文件的命令,它本质上是连续地、首尾相连地堆放文件。It is a file-based command that essentially serially stacks the files end to end.

但如果没有事件排序,这些记录就会被串行处理以保持其排序。Without event sequencing, the records are processed serially to keep their order.

数据读取连续的驱动IC的输入时钟的上升沿一旦机顶盒输入线变低。Data is read serially by the Driver IC on the input CLK rising edge once the STB input line goes low.

采用无血清的角化细胞培养基可在体外进行牙源性角化囊性瘤上皮细胞的连续培养。KCOT epithelial cells could be serially cultured in vitro in K-SFM by techniques suggested in this study.

几个章节连续出版的杂志,和整个小说出版一册于1933年。Several chapters were published serially in magazines, and the entire novel was published as one volume in 1933.

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这样特性用在很多中断处理函数,因为它容许串行地处理同一类型的IRQ。This feature is used by most interrupt handlers, because it allows them to process IRQs of the same type serially.

KSSE对于通过队列在工序间传递移交物、连续相接的多个工序运作良好。KSSE works well if there are serially connected multiple processes passing handoffs in queues between the processes.

被试对象按照顺序看到了一些不同字体大小的单词,然后被要求预测出对每一个单词的记忆程度达到的什么水平。The participants were serially shown words in large or small fonts and asked to predict how well they’d remember each.

系列生产的CoMPASS系统经过战场检验,是一种全数字化、先进瞄准与监视有效载荷系统。The field-proven, serially manufactured CoMPASS is a fully digital, advanced targeting and surveillance payload system.

使用Zwei-Stein可以编辑多达256个视频、音频和静态图像剪辑,每个都可以连续使用64种效果。With Zwei-Stein you can edit up to 256 video, audio and still image clips, each with up to 64 effects chained serially.

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本文介绍了PC机与单片机采用RS-232C进行串行通信的接口方法。This paper introduces an interfacing method of IBMPC serially communicating with single-chip microcomputer with RS-232C.

那些被包括在一个共同文档中的负责一个规范的特定方面的团队顺序地开展他们的工作。Those responsible for specific aspects of a specification that are included in a common document do their work serially.

或者,他可以使用循环活动来建模未知数量的分支,但循环体是以串行方式执行的。Alternatively, he could model the unknown number of branches using a loop activity, but the loop body is executed serially.

我们可以连续阅读网上的内容,也就是说我们可以不断转换网站,直到找到自己感爱好的网站。When reading online, we read serially. That is, we jump back and forth among sites, returning to the ones that interest us.

我们可以连续阅读网上的内容,也就是说我们可以不断转换网站,直到找到自己感兴趣的网站。When reading online, we read serially . That is, we jump back and forth among sites, returning to the ones that interest us.

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内比称,过去几个月里,有1,000人试用了这个网站的测试版本,但其中只有30个人左右一直坚持更新他们的“渴望”。Of the 1, 000 people using a beta version of the site over the past few months, only 30 or so serially update their cravings.

您需要创建一个补丁文件或升级文件,这个文件应该保持内部一致性,而且可以按次序升级。From your side, you need to create a patch file or upgrade file that is internally consistent and serially upgradeable. This means

合成器可以是通过RS-232控制端口串行加载或在预先确定的频率来设定源。The synthesizer can be either serially loaded through the RS-232C control port or set up to power on at a pre-determined frequency.