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哥里市附近燃烧的森林。Burning forest next to Gori.

哥里市,警察正在救援受上的士兵。Policemen are helping the wounded soldier in Gori.

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斯平德勒说,哥里以北地区村落的局势及需求基本相仿。Spindler says the situation and the needs in the villages north of Gori are similar.

周二有一队俄罗斯坦克和装甲车离开格鲁吉亚城市哥里。A column of Russian tanks and armored vehicles left the Georgian city of Gori on Tuesday.

在俄军挺进格鲁吉亚战略要塞哥里市后,格方宣称俄方率先打破休战常规。Georgia alleges Russia has broken truce after Russian troops rolled into the strategic Georgian city of Gori.

两位年轻的广告代理员决定建一个网站以进一步感谢哥里的具有模范意义的行为。Two young ad agency employees decided to set up a website to thank Mr Gori further for his exemplary behavior.

但是仍有少数自称为“维和人员”的军人留在重镇哥里以南的一条主要公路上。But a small group of soldiers calling themselves 'peacekeepers' remained on a main highway south of the key town of Gori.

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联合国难民机构说,他们终于成功地进入了在格鲁吉亚城市哥里以北的缓冲区。The U.N. refugee agency says it finally has succeeded in entering the so-called "buffer zone" north of the town of Gori in Georgia.

俄罗斯军队星期五撤离了哥里,结束了对那里一个多星期的占领,不过,俄军在哥里市外的一条主要道路上依然保留着一个检查站。Russian troops withdrew from Gori Friday after more than a week of occupation, but still maintain a checkpoint on a main road just outside the city.

在俄罗斯部队撤离后的哥里走上一圈,你会在很多地方看到暴力和抢劫的证据,这些显然是俄罗斯部队和袭击这个镇的非正规军干的。A tour of Gori after the Russian pullback revealed widespread evidence of mayhem and looting, apparently by Russian troops and irregular forces who descended on the town.

戈里和汉堡的作品,结合了旋转斜线和英格玛错觉,不仅显示出引人注目的视觉效果,也体现了静态图像产生运动错觉的极高境界。Gori and Hamburger's combination of the Rotating-Tilted-Lines and the Enigma illusion is both visually arresting and a powerful demonstration of illusory motion from a static pattern.