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玛丽与他订过婚。Mary betrothed herself to him.

不久玛丽就和乔治订婚了。Mary soon betrothed herself go George.

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他把他的女儿许配给一个有钱人。He betrothed his daughter to a rich man.

他的女儿同一个教师订了婚。His daughter was betrothed to a teacher.

这名男青年答应娶邻居的少女为妻。The young man betrothed the neighboring maiden.

那对男女经家里同意订了婚。The couple was betrothed with the family's approval.

他们很快坠入了爱河,不久就订了婚。Soon they fell in love, and were betrothed to be married.

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如果不用未婚夫,那该怎么称呼与自己订婚的人呢?So if not fiancé, then what should one call one's betrothed?

三个王子回来向国王禀告了自己找到的未婚妻的情况。They returned to the king to tell him about their betrothed.

她父母在她年幼时就把她许配给邻村的一个小男孩。Her parents betrothed her to the boy of the neighboring village.

若是我迟疑,她会投入别人的器量,而我将永远失去它。If I delay , she will become betrothed another and lost ti me forever.

保罗又告诉我们,他将信徒许配给一个丈夫-基督。Paul also tells us that he has betrothed the believers to one husband, Christ.

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毕竟道朗马泰尔当她是劳勃的血脉,才给她和自己的儿子订了婚。Doran Martell had betrothed her to his son in the belief that she was Robert's blood.

这对新婚夫妇把他们的手在酒缸上握在一起,然后,酒缸被打得粉碎。The hands of the betrothed were joined over the jar and it was smashed into fragments.

她们准备在一位老姑母家逗留一段时期,希望在那儿能解决达吉雅娜的订婚问题。They were to visit a cousin for a season in hopes that Tatyana would become betrothed.

当然,婚前协议的商定并不因为这些情况而变得更加轻松。None of this, of course, makes discussing a prenup with one's betrothed any easier. Ms.

比那更糟——她忘情负义,嫁给一个迫害她未婚夫的人了。Worse than that, she was faithless, and had married one of the persecutors of her betrothed.

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我曾经为她写过几首拙诗,还不止一次地因为她的未婚夫而生气得睡不着觉。I wrote her some bad poems and had more than one sleepless night through anger with her betrothed.

不管怎么说,我们以前还订过婚,而我也一直觉得你作为一家之长会很完美。We were betrothed at one point anyway, and I always thought you'd make an excellent Head of Family.

出于对马克王的忠诚,他护送伊索尔德回康瓦耳郡与马克王成亲。Due to his allegiance to King Marke, he escorted Isolde back to Cornwall to be betrothed to King Marke.