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然而,乘坐地下巨龙出行的感受到底如何呢?But what is it like riding this subterranean dragon?

一定会在盖太诺告诉你的那个地下宫殿里。No doubt In the subterranean palace Gaetano told you of.

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他们那痛苦的地下生活持续了超过两个月。Their subterranean ordeal lasted for more than two months.

希尔和泰莉从地下河逃出矿井。Hill and peaceful Li escape from subterranean river a mine.

地下茎呈匍匐状水平斜向伸长。Subterranean bine shows procumbent record level inclined to stretchy.

我从来没有体验过这种变化的,美丽的地下世界。I had never experienced such a dynamic and beautiful subterranean world.

可以明显的假设,此处极像一个地下贫民窟。The obvious assumption was that this was some kind of subterranean slum.

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原叶体是腐生的,不规则分枝的地下体。The prothalli are saprophytic, irregularly branched, subterranean bodies.

以下是收集的世界各地的地下场景图片。Collected below are some recent subterranean scenes from around the world.

砂岩是诺丁汉地下绝世文物瑰宝存在的关键之处。Sandstone is the key to Nottingham's unique subterranean heritage, he said.

弗兰兹拿着火把走进了地下岩洞,后面跟着盖太诺。Franz took the lamp, and entered the subterranean grotto, followed by Gaetano.

但是地下郊区居民,荷兰方式,变得值得尊敬的和别致的。But subterranean suburbia, Dutch-style, is about to become respectable and chic.

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我仅对种种内在相关因素作了某些简略提示,它们仍有待探讨。I have only hinted at the subterranean connections, which remain to be explored.

人的思想会做许多潜意识的工作来为社会成功铺平道路。The human mind does lots of subterranean work to pave the way for social success.

汉密尔顿·詹姆斯是通过巢穴旁边的一个地下的观测点来观察这些行为的。Hamilton James has watched this behavior from a subterranean obser­vatory adjoining a nest.

这种仍在暗中进行、但已隐约可见的危机可说是无奇不有。No singularity was lacking to this still subterranean crisis, which was already perceptible.

利用这一点,戈特沙尔推出了一项下水道“第三个人之旅”活动。Capitalizing on that, Mr. Gottschall launched a Third Man Tour of the subterranean waterways.

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范喜良决定去地下宫殿拯救千万秦俑。Fan Xiliang decides to go subterranean palace saves tomb figure of ten million the Qin Dynasty.

地下党暗杀汉奸苏春来的任务落在了刘栋梁身上。Subterranean party assassinates the task that traitor Su Chun comes to to fall on Liu pillar body.

对巴黎地下污水沟的全部视察历时七年,从一八○五年到一八一二年。The whole visit to the subterranean stream of filth of Paris lasted seven years, from 1805 to 1812.