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环形码头西边就是岩石区。West of Circular Quay is The Rocks.

这个码头大得足以停靠100艘船。The quay is big enough for 100 ships.

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船靠码头抛了锚。The vessel anchored alongside the quay.

沿着码头再远些的地方有两个人影正在走过来。Further along the quay two figures were approaching.

狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.

今天是万圣节,我打算去克拉码头。This times, I plan to go to Clarke Quay wiz my frds 2night.

麦克基踏上码头时,太阳正散发出耀眼的光芒。The sun radiated brilliantly as McGee stepped on to the quay.

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女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.

挤满游客的轮船到达了码头。The steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines.

祝贺你们,这只是栈桥的一小步,却是主码头的一大步!This is one small step for the trestle, but one big step for the main quay !

1920年的看法,男人和女人准备的鱼市场,在北盾鱼码头。A 1920's view of men and women preparing fish for market at North Shields Fish Quay.

也为大型沉箱结构重力式码头建设提供了有力的保障。Also provided a powerful safeguard for the gravity quay construction of large caisson.

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这是海参葳的码头,他旁边的潜艇现在被作为了一个博物馆。And this is the quay of Vladivostok and a submarine beside it that now serves as a museum.

船一到码头,我便和其他旅客乘上了一辆观光旅游车。As soon as the boat was moored at a quay , I went out I a sightseeing bus with other passengers.

最近,英国西北部柴郡一家火车站贴出了禁止接吻的标志。A no-kissing sign has been put up at Warrington Bank Quay Station in northwest England's Cheshire.

你可以在室外酒吧结束今天的旅程,听海浪拍打岩石的声音。Finish off the night in one of several outdoor bars, listening to the waves crash against the quay.

但是随组织伊拉克的防卫在政府码头的区域美国的力量面对了。But in the region of the government quay the American forces confronted with organized Iraqi defenses.

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法国人建造了这座城市的拱廊码头,并统治这个北非国家132年,直到1962年为止。The city's arcaded quay was built by the French, whose 132-year rule of this North African land ended in 1962.

介绍了用炸药爆炸方法使船用舾装码头水下抛石基床密实的新技术。The paper introduces a new technology of explosion to tamp the underwater stone-tossing base of ship outfitting quay.

新的总部也将解决紧迫的短缺,工作在目前的港口众议院的转口港码头。The new headquarters will also solve the pressing shortage of workspace in the present Port House on the Entrepot quay.