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母神迦梨吃回她自己。Mother Kali eats herself back.

母亲卡利女神怎能够离去?How can your Mother Kali hold Herself away?

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印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.

黑暗双星就是印度教的卡莉神。The Dark Twin is the god Kali in the Hindu religion.

在卡利年代,会有很多错误和虚假的宗教。In the Kali Age, there will be many false religionists.

阿因卓,卡利年代是黑暗的,而且一天比一天更黑暗。Aindra, Kali Yuga is dark and becomes darker day by day.

因此在卡利年代,物类会被彻底毁灭。Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed.

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他的首要职责就是为卡利神像穿戴和装饰。His first duty was to dress and decorate the image of Kali.

这个人说道,“它是一个坏家伙,这个家伙”。"Huyu kali sana," the man said. "He's a bad one, this fellow.

贯穿卡利年代,人类文明进一步地退化。Throughout the Kali Yuga, human civilization degenerates further.

把酒供奉给卡利女神,然后把酒视为她的贡品来喝,是一种神圣的饮料。Offer it to Kali , and then take it as Her prasad, as consecrated drink.

卡莉是能量的普遍名字,她的形态是作为湿婆的妻子或萨克提。Kali is the common name for Energy in her form as Shiva's wife, or Shakti.

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持续的,正在进行的创世工作被描绘为“卡莉的游戏”。The continuous, ongoing work of Creation is described as "the play of Kali".

奎师那的圣名就是这漆黑的卡利黑夜中辉煌照耀的火炬。Krishna Nama is the brilliantly blazing torch in the darkness of the Kali night.

在这篇文章里,卡莉被认为是伟大的杜迦女神的“有力”形态。In this context Kali is considered the 'forceful' form of the great goddess Durga.

卡莉是神灭亡性和创设性的面貌,是印度教的神圣母亲。Kali is a destructive and creative aspect of God as the Divine Mother in Hinduism.

只要他能保证每天给凯力进贡一个动物,他的孩子就安全了。They would be safe, but only if he could find other animals for Kali to gobble up.

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在达克尚思沃的卡莉神庙外,香客们在香火缭绕、飘着茉莉香的烟雾中拥挤着。Pilgrims are swarming in the jasmine-scented mist outside the Dakshineswar Kali Temple.

我们现在接近于五千年周期的雅利安人卡利年代或黑暗年代的尾升。We are at the close of the cycle of5000years of the present aryan kali yuga or dark age.

三种最有名的印度教的神湿婆、卡利和克里希纳等都在舞蹈中得到展示。Three best-known hindu deities, Shiva, Kali and Krishna, are typically represented by dancing.