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其创作不具历史进化论色彩。Her creative works doesn't have the colour of historical evolutionism.

四是提出并论证了城市绿地系统进化论。Fourthly, it puts forward and proves urban green space system evolutionism.

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你把进化论和生物化学搞混了。You are propagandising by attempting to mix evolutionism with biochemistry.

史学思想具有历史进化论的观点。Its thoughts of historical science have the views of historical evolutionism.

从进化论的角度与人体惰性规律出发,探讨松动术的治疗机理。Discuss the mechanism of therapy from the point of evolutionism and inertia law of human body.

企业进化论是现代企业理论和战略管理理论的一个重要学派。Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modern enterprise and strategy management.

循环论时间观、进化论时间观和后现代主义时间观影响了小说的深层结构和文化精神。The time view of circle, evolutionism and post-modernism affects its deep structure and cultural spirit.

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受达尔文进化论影响,尼采在生命哲学的基础上形成了文化进化思想。Influenced by Darwins Evolutionism, Nietzsche formed his cultural evolutionism on the basis of life philosophy.

人工生命算法是一种新兴的优化技术,其思想来源于达尔文进化论。Artificial life algorithm is a new optimization technology, with the original idea coming from Darwin's evolutionism.

作者试图说明,在信息时代,更新一个半世纪以来物质科学及其哲学观念孕育的进化理论,是历史的必然。It is a historical tendency to update the evolutionism gestated by material science and philosophy in information era.

其次,在技术革命中,只有适合大众需求的才能最终生存。Second, the evolutionism in technology, only the technology that meet the demand of common users better could survival.

长期以来寒武纪仅仅是演化论学者和古生物学家所关心的科学名词。For quite some time Cambrian remained just a scientific term concerned only by evolutionism scholars and paleontologists.

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此外,达尔文也被有的历史学家认为没有及时地肯定前人对进化论作的贡献。Besides, Darwin is considered by some historians to have not confirm the achievements that formers did to evolutionism duly.

基于达尔文进化论来解释文化进化规律的模因论为“傍名牌”行为研究提供了新视角。Based on the Darwin's evolutionism theory, the Memetics provides a new perspective for the study of the reverse passing-off action.

传统的发展观是一种历史形而上学的发展观,包括道德目的论和庸俗进化论两种形式。Traditional development conception is a kind of historical metaphysic conception which includes moral teleology and vulgar evolutionism.

进化论与神创论是建立在两种不同,但是从某种意义上讲相似却又有很大不同的科学哲理上的。Evolutionism and creationism are based on two different philosophies of science which are similar in many ways, but also bear important differences.

严复建立在社会进化论基础上的政治哲学理论使他有力地解释了近代中国落后的原因,但这一理论的内在逻辑又不断削弱着严复寻求强国之梦的努力。On the one hand, Yan Fu's political philosophy theory which is based on social evolutionism explained the reasons of the backward situation in modern China.

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进化学家们则断言圣经只是寓言与神话故事,而不具有任何历史意义,也没有任何超自然现象的记载。Evolutionism is based on the belief that there are no supernatural causes, and asserts that the Bible is either allegorical or mythological, but not historical.

在尼采的文化进化论里,充满着生命、强力意志、自我超越和永恒循环的思想,尼采正是在这个意义上来界定“人”的。" Nietzsches cultural evolutionism is full of life, powerful will, self-transcendent and endless recurrent thoughts, on the basis of which Nietzsche defines "man.

他批判都市文明、质疑启蒙运动、反对历史进化论,使他的小说呈现出鲜明的浪漫主义精神特质。His criticizing city civilization, questioning enlightenment campaign, opposing history evolutionism made his novel display distinct Romanism spirit particularity.