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单反最大的优点?Their biggest draws?

盛大的午夜传奇幕布开启!Biggest. Midnight opening.

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是的,我知道。最大的。Yeah, I know. The biggest.

是的,我知道,最大的。Yean , I know, the biggest.

我最愁的是钱。Money is my biggest bugbear.

全店最大只的猫…不知道在等谁…The biggest cat in the shop.

你藏起你那面最大的镜子。You hid your biggest mirror.

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最大的一个有60厘米长,40厘米宽。The biggest one is 60 and 40.

最大的海港在哪里?Where is the biggest seaport?

最大的开销是隐藏的。The biggest costs were hidden.

最大的风险在于做过了头。The biggest risk is overreach.

这是重大的奥运会项目之一。It’s one of the biggest events.

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时刻乃是最大的革新家。Time is the biggest innovatory.

电动自行车是他最大的担忧。E-bikes are his biggest concern.

他是学校里的头号大色狼。He's the biggest wolf in school.

谁给了你最大的惊喜?What are your biggest surprises?

我有天大的消息。And I have the biggest news ever.

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但亚桑杰成功做到了,这也是迄今为止他最大的一则独家新闻。It was his biggest scoop to date.

我有史上最劲爆新闻跟你们共享.and I have the biggest news ever.

科比·布莱恩特是球队最大的明星。Kobe Bryant is their biggest star.