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泡泡浴。A bubble bath.

那是泡沫红茶。It's bubble tea.

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地产“泡沫化”。Real estate "bubble".

气泡破了。The bubble has burst.

谁说的冒泡?为什么呢?Who said bubble? Why?

那是泡沫红茶。It's bubble black tea.

你喜欢泡泡糖么?Do you like bubble gum?

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是的,我喜欢泡泡糖。Yes, I like bubble gum.

汽泡纸的厚度是多少?How thick is bubble wrap?

泥沸泉沸腾冒泡。Mud pots boil and bubble.

水泡一触即破。A bubble bursts at a touch.

海米泡水,切碎。HaiMi bubble water, cut up.

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我要一杯泡沫红茶。I want a cup of bubble tea.

爱泡网专家表示。Love bubble nets to experts.

买泡泡糖还是一块巧克力派?Bubble gum or a chocolate pie?

但在1990年,经济泡沫破裂了。But in 1990, the bubble burst.

釜下烈火永不熄。Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

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他扯开了气泡膜。He slits open the bubble wrap.

插入排序还是冒泡排序?Insertion sort or bubble sort?

我可以玩泡泡枪吗?May I play with the bubble gun?