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相思病无药医。No herb will cure lovesickness.

她自从得了相思病而益发憔悴。She has pined away since she got lovesickness.

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人得了相思病会鼻塞吗?。Did the person get lovesickness meeting n&v snuffle?

真的有科学依据的相思病吗?The true lovesickness that there is scientific basis?

想人会得相思病哒?。Does meeting considering a person get lovesickness Da?

水居跟洋真的要蹭?相思梦已断、花有凋零时。Lovesickness dream broke, the flower has on the wane when.

弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

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弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

天长日久,我便害了一种迷恋时髦服装的相思病。As time went by, a lovesickness of fashionable clothes came into me.

思念是一种病,宝贝儿,我想我病了,得了相思病了。Dongdong, missing is one kind of sickness, I thought I have gotten sick, lovesickness.

相思病是被外力违背我们的意志强加于身上的。Lovesickness is a condition brought upon us, against our will, by a force somehow external to us.

你已经中了时下最流行最猛烈的相思病毒,唯一的解药就是见到我。You already hit have been at present most popular the most violent lovesickness virus, the only antidote sees me.

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珍惜与你在一起的时时刻刻,虽然是在无边的浓浓相思中,是在无际的重重梦境中!The moment treasuring and staying with you is in boundless dense lovesickness , it is in boundless very heavy dreamland!

我们坠入爱河,因为丘比特不打招呼就瞄准我们射来那只爱之箭,害得我们相思无穷尽。We fall in love because Cupid selects us as his target without first asking our leave to do so and lets fly an arrow that infects us with lovesickness.

主治单身恐惧症及母爱泛滥等顽疾,对失恋和相思病也有明显效果。Persistent ailment of curing mainly single neurosis and mother love and overflowing etc. , to failing in love and lovesickness have obvious results either.

他不停地给女大学生写情书,却都石沉大海,他只能偷了一张女生的照片,以解相思之苦。He keeps writing love letter to female undergraduate, however disappear forever, he can steal the photograph of a piece of schoolgirl only, in order to see the pain of lovesickness.