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西里尔图形字符集。The Cyrillic graphic character set.

服务器在接受斯拉夫语字母的输入时有困难。The server is having trouble with Cyrillic input.

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蒙古和俄罗斯境内的使用斯拉夫字母为基础的文字。Mongolia and Russia, based on the use of Cyrillic alphabet text.

这个城镇也是西里尔字母的诞生地。The city is also the birthplace of the Cyrillic script, taught by St.

文字是斯拉夫字母,我设法破译的意思是他曾经在这里住过。It was written in the Cyrillic alphabet but I managed to decipher that he had once lived here.

这意味着我们可以得到一些西里尔字母并代之以直接向一些拉美字母。This means that we can get some Cyrillic letters and replace them directly to some Latin letters.

我瞧着表格上难以辨认的斯拉夫古体字,明白自己已经走出了处处让你舒适和给你方便的地区了。As I stared at the incomprehensible Cyrillic script, I knew that I was way out of my comfort zone.

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它也与所有美洲和欧洲的字符集,包括中环至欧洲和西里尔。It also works with all American and European character sets, including the Central-European and Cyrillic.

目前,哈萨克斯坦的发言者在该国的收件西里尔但该国政府正在考虑转换到拉丁字母。Presently, Kazakh speakers in the country write in Cyrillic but the government is considering a conversion to Latin script.

这样,如果我需要用西里尔文,我已经知道,每一个俄罗斯的信应该是在俄罗斯键盘。This way, if I would need to use Cyrillic , I already know where every Russian letter is supposed to be in the Russian keyboard.

如果往东走,会遇到西里尔字母、希伯来和中东的阿拉伯语系,以及印度语。As you move east, you encounter the Cyrillic alphabets, Hebrew and Arabic systems in the Middle East, and several Indic alphabets.

蒙古曾努力振兴蒙古文字取代苏联统治的七十年中强加给蒙古的西里尔字母,但收效甚微。An effort to revive Mongolian script to replace the Cyrillic alphabet imposed in the seven decades of Soviet domination petered out.

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顺便说一下,斯拉夫字母到拉丁,的翻译还没有得到同意,所以你们会看到门捷列夫的名字,拼写成不同的方式。By the way,the Cyrillic to Latin translation has not been agreed upon, so you will see Mendeleev's name spelled many different ways.

蒙古族现在所使用的文字有传统蒙古文、托忒蒙古文和新蒙文三种文字。There are three kinds of written languages are used by Mongols today, such as classic Mongolian, todo Mongolian and Cyrillic Mongolian.

不过有了新特性,你只要点击一下文本链接,就能知道垃圾邮件目录里的一堆西里尔字母表达的是什么意思了。But thanks to this new feature, you'll be able to get the gist of the Cyrillic text in your spam folder with just the click of a text link.

为了给莫斯科之行做准备,我专门买了一本旅行指南和一张很管用的英文版街道地图,因为我看不懂俄语的西里尔字母的书写体。I had prepared for the trip to Moscow by getting a guidebook and a good street map in English since I couldn’t read the Russian Cyrillic script.

如果你刚好使用的是采用斯拉夫字母的俄罗斯语,或者阿拉伯语,或者中文,这点就非常重要。It can be in non-Latin characters, which is extremely important if you happen to speak Russian because of the Cyrillic alphabet, or Arabic, or Chinese.

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随着阿拉伯语、韩语、日语、希腊语、印地语和西里尔语等多种语言在网址中的使用,网络将开放给全世界更多人群。That could potentially open up the web to more people around the world as addresses could be in characters as diverse as Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hindi and Cyrillic.

按计划,保国家信息技术和通信署今年秋季还将邀请所有使用西里尔字母的国家讨论有关事宜。According to the plan, national security information technology and communications department this fall will also invite all the countries using the Cyrillic alphabet to discuss the issue.

任何字码组合都可以,可以是非拉丁文字,如果你碰巧讲的是用西里尔字母的俄罗斯语,或是阿拉伯语,或是汉语,这点就很重要。It can be almost any word combination. It can be in non-Latin characters, which is extremely important if you happen to speak Russian because of the Cyrillic alphabet, or Arabic, or Chinese.